Part 25

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"Agh shit!" Ray watched it character on the screen collapse, followed with a red 'Wasted' appear on the screen. The small room erupted in laughter. We all agreed to take our minds off of our issues and play some Grand Theft Auto. Ryan, who got dressed before we turned the tv on, rested on the left side of the couch and his legs were resting on the coffee table in front of him. Rays head was on Ryan's lap, and his body was sprawled on the couch. Ray quickly relaxed when he was handed the controller to play, which was a relief to Ryan. I had my back pressed against the coffee table and sat on the floor. My legs were slightly spread, and Gavin rested between them. He had his knees pointed up and my arms were wrapped around his upper half. His head rested on my chest as we both watched Ray continue to repeatedly die in the game.

"Are you even trying Ray?" Gavin joked.

"Shut up you British dick" Ray huffed and mashed the buttons, before dying again. The room was filled with howls as Ray sloppily tossed his controller onto the table and buried his face in Ryan's lap.

"My turn!" Gavin squeaked and grabbed the controller. The second he spawned he was run over, and suddenly the game froze.

"You have to be kidding me" Ray mocked Gavin, who squirmed on me.

"You're the worst at games Gav" I joked and pressed my lips against his head, smelling his hair. The room died down and Ryan turned on his phone.

"I'm going to call Geoff now, if everybody's ready for that" Ryan scrolled through his contacts as he eyed all of us. I watched Gavin and Ryan tense up before both nodding. Ray sat up and allowed Ryan to leave the room, his ear pressed against his phone.

The room fell to silence. Gavin tightly held onto my hands that were still tied around him. Ray lied back down and stared at the ceiling. I knew Ray was still badly hurting. Every couple of minutes he would shut his eyes and cover his face with his hands, that constantly continued to shake. Ryan would comfort him, but he was just as worried. I looked down at Gavin, who now had his eyes closed. I felt my eyelids getting heavy, and slowly shut them, allowing my body to rela-

"Thanks Geoff" Ryan opened the door he was behind. I saw a rim of water layered under his eyes, but he wore a soft smile on his lips. We all turned to him, waiting for a response. "We are meeting with him at the coffee shop downtown in 30 minutes"

"Did Jack tell him?" Ray asked, taking off his glasses to gently rub his eyes. Ryan nodded at Ray, who sighed. Ryan walked behind Ray and slowly massaged his head, wrapping his fingers in his hair.

"He was angry, but understood we had to talk" Ryan continued, watching me. Gavin quickly stood up and put his shoes on next to the door.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Ray mumbled. I nodded and pushed against the floor to make myself stand. Ray stood up and stretched before slouching his shoulders again. Ryan wrapped his body around Rays, softly kissing his neck. I walked towards the door and was stopped by Gavin, who was mute. His eyes were damp and he pulled me into an embrace.

"Geoff's like my dad," Gavin sobbed onto my shoulder, "How can he be like this?" I pulled him tighter. I didn't have an answer.

"Im so sorry Gavin" I whispered and rubbed his back. I squeeze my eyes shut and recalled everything that happened within the past two months, images rushing through my eyes.

The bright red fire, when I was dismissed from achievement hunter. Gavin walked me home that day, just to make sure I was okay.

The kiss, when Gavin's lips met mine for the first of many times. The Sparks that flew and the butterflies that soared through my chest, filling my lungs.

The hospital, when I learned how much Gavin really loved me when he sat in the most uncomfortable chair just to see me wake up.

Gavin loosened his grip around me, but tears still trickled down his cheeks. I used my shaking hand to wipe away the small drips. He plastered on a fake smile as our eyes met. I leaned forwards and kissed him, my arms moving from his back to his neck. He kissed back, his lips melting into mine like chocolate. I felt his breath quicken and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He pushed his lips onto me one more time before he pulled away, and leaned back into my shoulder, unable to control his tears.

I knew all we could do was push forwards, together.

Authors Note~~~

The journey of writing this story is one I will remember, 17,300 reads.

You guys really are something you know?

The next chapter is the last.

Let's make it good, shall we?

Much Love,

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