Part 9

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My eyes fluttered open the next day. I moaned from the bright sun-light against my face, wondered how long I have been sleeping for. I blinked, shut my eyes, blinked again. I yawned, and somehow managed to fully open both eyes. I must have fallen asleep on my couch watching Netflix. I stretched and got off of my seat, grasping my phone on the counter.

8 New Notifications

Huh. I looked at the time before unlocking my phone. 10:11am. Man I slept in.

*3 Missed Calls*

*3 Voicemails*

*2 New Messages*

I started to panic. Fuck, did something happen? I clicked on my messages first. One was from Ryan.

Did you hear what happened with Ray and Gavin?

Weird. maybe they went out last night and did something insane. But Gavin went to his own house last night, Or at least he said he was. I looked at my second message. It was from Gavin.


Must have been a pocket message. He really does need a new phone. Then the thought rushed through my head. He has been so nice and sweet to me lately, especially after I got fired. I owed him something. Anything. And maybe a new phone would be a good start. I checked my voicemails. They were all from Gavin. Maybe they were all just pocket dials. I clicked on the first one, pressing my phone up to my ear. It was silent for a few minutes until a heard a few muffled voices.

"So, what's been going on with you Gav?"

"The usual. Work things have been stressing me out."

"Mhm, well good thing you're coming over! Videogames and drinks are there, guaranteed to help you relax,"

"Cheers Buddy, that's awesome!"

"Anything for a friend"

"What do you got to drink?"

"I think there is some beer in the bottom"


The message flipped off. Weird, it must have just been a pocket dial. It sounded like Gavin was with somebody, I couldn't quite make out who it was though. I clicked on the second message.

"Get off of me you bitch!"

"Why should I? You know Ray, you're really cute."

"What the fu-"

I heard some silence before some moaning. My breath started to quicken. What was going on. I pushed the thought of the worst happening out of my head. Did Gavin really call Ray cute? What did that even mean? My hands started to shake. Ray finally talked, as if he was out of breath.

"Gavin what the fuck are you doing?"

"Whatever I want to do."

The second message flicked off. My heart was racing, my eyes swelling up with tears.


This can't be happening.

I had trouble allowing myself to press the next message. It started off with moaning. A tear slipped from my eye.

"Gavin, you should go. It's getting late."

"What if I just stayed here for the night?"

I heard moaning again. Louder. I could hear the kissing. I could feel the knot in my throat start to swell up.

"You shouldn't"



"Fuck Gavin get up, you need to leave."

The message ended.

"NO" I shouted, protesting what just happened

The message ended after a bit of grunting. I know what happened. I knew what Ryan meant.

"FUCKING DICK" I screamed, throwing my phone against the wall, shattering it immediately.

My eyes were already stained red. I ran to my kitchen, grabbing vodka and taking a fast swing, gasping for air afterwards. I finished the bottle and threw it with my phone, glass flying everywhere. My hands stayed shaking as I smashed them into the granite table.

I could feel my heart breaking in two. How could he do this to me?

He's my boi. My boi... 

Or atleast I thought he was.

I punched the table again, a tear jumping from my eye to the cold ground. 

How could I let myself be this pathetic?

Authors Note~~~

No new announcements here. Hopefully you all like the new schedule. I might work on another story soon (That is also RoosterTeeth based), but I'd be writing it all before hand. Please enjoy and vote! The next chapter will be posted next Thrusday. Thank you again for all the support I've been getting recently.

Much Love,


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