Part 22

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The second I pushed through the heavy door, all eyes were on me. Geoff was sitting, turning and facing us. Jack and Ryan were discussing some topic, but immediately silenced the second they saw me. Michael walked behind me, as if he blended into my shadows. Ray stood behind him, before squeezing through both of us and hopping back down onto his chair. He turned to face me and Michael, gesturing at us to go. I could feel Michael lightly squeeze my hand.

"What were you two doing?" Geoff asked, his voice lightly cracking. I sharply inhaled, preparing myself for anything that could happen.

"Listen. There is something you guys need to know" I tried to smile at the faces that watched me, "Michael and I.... well..."

"Spit it out" Jack laughed, taking this discussion as a joke.

"We are dating" I announced, listening to the words flow out of my mouth.


I ignored everybody's faces except for Ray's, who looked at me and gave me a smile of approval. Michael let out a loud sigh behind me. I could feel the blood rush through my head and down to the tip of my toes. The world was spinning faster than I have ever felt. It was quiet other than the soft squeaks of chairs.

"Michael. Gavin" I heard Ryan speak with a stern voice. I looked at him, pressing my lips against each other. "That's perfectly fine guys!" I grinned, knowing that he accepted us. Michael's grip on my hand loosened, and Ray swiveled to look at the rest of the Gents.

"What the fuck?" Geoff sat up, placing his elbows on his knees and his hands against his cheeks. "You two? I thought it was just a joke!"

I nervously looked behind me and Michael, who continued to hide behind me. "Well it was..." Michael spoke, his voice faint, but loud enough for everybody in the room to hear.

"And that's all it's supposed to be!" Jack almost yelled, standing up with his fists in balls. Geoff copied him, walking up to me, but going a bit further. He pushed me back against the door, Michael letting go of my hand and being shoved out of the way from my body. Geoff held me up, both of his hands pressing against my shoulders. My head slammed backwards against the metal door.

"You. Are. Disgusting." Geoff spat at me. I could feel tears form under my eyes listening to the words I never wanted to hear. Ray sat at his desk in mute, watching Geoff raise his voice at me.

"No!" I almost screamed, holding back my tears. I could see Jack in my view, crossing his arms and shaking his head at me. "How is it disgusting for me to be happy with somebody I love?"

"Two men can not love each other! Especially you and Michael!" He screeched louder than me. His arms shook against me. "IT'S WRONG!"

Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face. He might as well have punched me in the stomach a couple of times. "YOU CAN'T JUST TELL ME HOW TO FEEL GEOFF!!"

"YES I CAN, BECAUSE I REFUSE TO HAVE A GAY LIVE WITH MY FAMILY. ESPECIALLY AROUND MY PRINCESS" My body collapsed, as if I had no more control over my reactions.

"Geoff, you need to calm the hell down" Ryan finally interrupted. Geoff loosened his grip on me, just enough for me to push him away. I used my free arms to cover my eyes. Geoff ignored me and turned away and walked over to his desk, slamming his hands against the painted wood to create a loud noise. I split my fingers to see Michael being yelled at by Jack. He was staring at the floor below him, his arms shaking while they were being crossed. I took a few paces towards him, and wrapped my arms around his waist. I worried about his well being more than mine. Michael crumbled into me, nuzzling his face into my neck. I could feel his tears wipe onto my sleeve.

"I-I thought you would understand" I glanced at Geoff and Jack, who both glared back with pure disgust.

"Why would we understand this horrible train wreck?" Jack sneered. I was so used to Jack supporting me. He always kept positive, telling me everything would work out in the end. Now I watch him turn against me as if I was his worst nightmare. I felt my knees shaking as if I was out in the cold with shorts on.

"Gavin" Geoff looked over at me. I could hear the anger in his voice, not wanting to hear what he was about to say. "Don't expect a dinner plate for you at my house" There it was. I broke down again. Now knowing that I was unwelcome to my own home made me shatter. Anger rose from me faster than light.

Geoff is my dad.

My dad.

He can't just do this to me.

"YOU KNOW WHAT" I screamed at Geoff louder than ever, letting everything inside of me burst out into what I shouted at the top of my lungs. "FORGET YOU!"

"Excuse me?"

"FORGET YOU GEOFF. I'M MOVING OUT" I grabbed Michael's wrist, not able to stand the pain my friends and family were bringing me. I swung open the door.

"BURN IN HELL" Were the last words that I heard from Geoff before I was outside in fresh air with Michael.

"Gavin I-"

"Just get in the car." I sighed. Michael nodded, directing me to where he parked with the tip of his finger. I grabbed the handle of the passenger door and yanked it open. I plugged in my seat belt and Michael did the same, watching my every move. He started the engine and pulled out of the lot. "SON OF A BITCH" I screamed, slamming my hand against the armrest on the door. Michael jumped at my action and sighed when he realized it was only me.

"It's okay Gav"

"How is this okay?" I wiped my tears off my face with my hand.

"I don't fucking know." Michael drifted off, looking at the street we drove down.

"I just thought they would be okay with it." I spoke softer, realizing how loud I was previously.

"I honestly did too" Michael said. He reached over with his open hand and grabbed my hand that rested on my lap, twisting his fingers between mine. He softly squeezed my hand. "Hey Gav?"


"Let's go home"

Authors Note~~~

Another plot twist! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It was really rough to type, but I'm really happy with it! 11,713 reads is still just awesome and I can't get over how popular this story is. 1 year ago, I never expected it to become this big. I had no plans. And now knowing that people read and enjoy my story makes me so, so, SO happy. You guys are great and thank you so much. <3 I honestly love you guys.

I have uploaded the next chapter for R+R on my account, and I really hope you guys check it out. Demi is such a great person to work with and I am so thankful to have met her. Thank you guys!

Much Love,


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