Part 14

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I softly rubbed my thumb across Michael's dry hand for the millionth time before glancing at the wall clock. I couldn't make out the different hands that were slowly ticking. I rubbed my eyes with my open hand, spreading the blur even more. I blinked. Once. Twice. I sighed, looking back at Michael. His face has been slowly filled with color, trickling in every hour. It was a good sign, but even better that he is resting. As much as I loved his sparkly eyes, I knew rest was more important than me staring at him like a freak.

Ray was still here, leaning up against the wall next to me, his hand on my shoulder as a sign of comfort. I smiled, knowing I had such a good friend like Ray. Even though we met through Michael, I feel like we are closer than they have ever been. He coughed loudly, as if he was choking. I looked at him.

"You okay bud?" I asked, looking at the sour expression on his face.

"I'm fine, just sick of this hospital"

"It's only been a few hours"

"And I'm bored!" He whined like a little kid who was forced to go to the mall.

"Actually, you should probably leave. You have been here for a while."

"I don't want to leave you here alone though, you might go fucking crazy."

"You're the one going insane. I'll call you a cab Ray, get you home and sleeping"

"Are you sure?"


"Thanks man!"

Ray quickly cheered up. I smiled and shooed him out of the room so he wouldn't miss the cab. I looked out of the window to see him talking to the driver. He jumped in and drove the opposite direction of his house. Odd. I wonder who's house he is going to. I shrugged and went back to watching Michael but was suddenly disturbed by a phone call. It was Geoff. I picked up.

"Hey Gavin! How's it going?" His voice was crackly. He seemed happy

"I'm at the hospital. Michael's hurt Geoff" I replied, my voice shaking just from the thought of what happened to Michael. Geoff was silent for a few seconds before speaking.

"Is he going to be okay?"

"Well he can't really pay his hospital bills so probably not."

"Actually, that's why I called. Achievement Hunter needs Michael. I was going to see if I could talk to him today."

I smiled, "He should be up soon so if you could drop by in about an hour. He would be very happy about the news"

"Sure. Oh and do you need anything?"

"Can you pick up some food? The cafeteria food is absolute rubbish here"

"Sure. How long have you been at the hospital?"

"The entire time. Couple hours. 7 or 8"

"Shit man you should go home"

"I'd rather not" I said laughing, remembering that Geoff doesn't know about me and Michael.

"Whatever. Ill be there in an hour."


I hung up, smiling, holding Michael's hand with mine. My stomach rumbled for the thousandth time. I haven't eaten for what feels like forever. I closed my eyes, just wanting to feel Michael's slow pulse beating from his wrist. He was relaxed, which was good. I opened up my eyes to check the light outside. It was still bright, but starting to get a tad darker. I rubbed my eyes, looking back at Michael, sighing, squeezing his hand even tighter.

"That hurts you dick" Michael's voice cracked, as he opened his eyes, looking at me with a joking glare. I smiled, and hugged him softly.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. These pain killers are the best fucking thing ever"

I smiled even more. Before I could say anything else, a nurse walked in, beaming.

"Mr. Jones?"

"Right here" Michael replied. I helped him sit up so he could see.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, walking over to all the machines attached to him.

"I guess I'm better"

"We have some great news. you are able to leave tomorrow afternoon. You will need assistance leaving and you will be renting a wheel chair from us for the next few weeks." I could see Michael's face light up as he listened.

"Really? That's fucking awesome!" He almost shouted. The nurse gave him a nasty look.

"Yes. I suppose. Your prescription that you will be getting will last for two months. All pain killers and antibiotics. You will get them tomorrow. That is all Mr. Jones. Get your rest for tomorrow." She walked out of the room.

"Thank you so much Gavin, I would be here alone if it wasn't for you" Michael looked at me, with a few tears in his eyes. I leaned in and softly kissed him, wrapping my hand around his neck. He kissed back, harder. I let out a soft moan before pulling away. He looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I laughed.

"Not here Michael. There are old people here."


"Old people creep me out" Michael laughed at me, before pulling me in for a quick kiss. I smiled as he kissed me.

This is what I wanted.

Authors Note~~~

4,166 reads! Holy fucking shit. You guys are so amazing. I don't know what I would be doing if I didn't start this story. I have been very absent (I KNOW), but finals are soon and I have been trying to study with all my extra time, so I have been a little all over the place. School gets out in 4 weeks and once it does, I will be on here and writing so much more. Thank you guys so much. All of you <3

Much Love,


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