Harry's List of 50 Reasons Why Draco Malfoy is an Annoying Git

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1. Obnoxious. Obnoxious twat.

2. How can someone be so... pointy? Ugh.

3. Is always 'fashionably late.' Even on Auror missions.

4. His hair always smells like cinnamon. Barf.

5. His perfectly manicured nails always make mine look uneven. I have perfectly fine nails, excuse you.

6. Is a sore loser. (The nargles did not help me win the seekers' game, Malfoy!)

7. Spends way too much time with Luna. More than me.

8. Flirts with cute male bartenders when we are at The Leaky.

9. Cute male bartenders.

10. Did I mention obnoxious?

11. He touches me way too much. How can I focus when my annoying partner is poking me repeatedly in the shoulder?! I don't even touch myself that much!

12. I think Reason 11 came out wrong.

13. Constantly dangles the fact that he saved my life at the Malfoy Manor in front of me.

14. Tattles to Hermione when I counter with the fact that I pulled him out of the Fiendfyre.

15. Smirks when Hermione whacks me round the head.

16. Merlin, that smirk!

17. His uncomfortably piercing grey eyes.

18. Can fit more U-No-Poos in his mouth than me. (We spit them out after the contest, of course.)

19. Charms one of the U-No-Poos into my throat.

20. Laughs when I couldn't defecate for days.

21. Laughs even more when I very pointedly lowered my voice to tell Ron that when I finally did, it hurt like a bitch.

22. Is a bitch.

23. Doesn't have a screechy or unpleasant laugh to make fun of.

24. Helps Ron and George perfect the U-No-Poo recipe further.

25. Hosts another U-No-Poo stuffing contest and wins, again.

26. Summons my wand out of my hand when I want to shoot a cushioning charm at my chair days after the contest after I finally achieved moving my bowels.

27. Makes fun of my unruly hair.

28. Does not have the gelled back helmet of hair anymore to make fun of.

29. Always accidentally tickles me with his loose blonde hair when working on a case together.

30. The obnoxiousness, dammit!!

31. Always uses Howlers to send me messages in the middle of the night.

32. Uses expensive Howler writing material so the flames burn even more vigorously.

33. Takes pictures of my singed eyebrows and sends them to our colleagues.

34. Is a little bit, teenily-weenily, smarter than me.

35. Brags about Reason 34.

36. Claims that teenily-weenily isn't a proper phrase.

37. Ropes Hermione into proving me so when I protest.

38. Brags about his O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s. Constantly.

39. Makes fun of my mediocre potions abilities.

40. Pointedly ignores me when I actually do brew a decent advanced potion.

41. Does not answer my pranks or ribbing days after the aforementioned incident.

42. Starts returning them the day I screw up another potion.

43. Returns my pranks with such ferocity that my Auror robes become see-through.

44. Laughs about my mismatched pajamas that I secretly wear under my Auror robes.

45. I think I'm forgetting something. Oh, right, obnoxious.

46. Leans too close to me on a very dangerous Auror mission. It's making me really uncomfortable.

47. Accidentally pushes me when the culprit appears.

48. Catches me when I trip and fall forward but does not make fun of me as usual.

49. Stares at me for far too long.

50. Chooses to tell me at an Auror mission (did I mention a very, very dangerous one?) that he likes me. A lot. 

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