Draco's List of 50 Reasons Why Harry Potter is an Annoying Git

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1. Is a dork. A gigantic dork.

2. Flaunts his imperfect and all too bulky muscles at me.

3. Yells at me when I'm fashionably late. It's called class, Potter. (Something that he wouldn't ever understand, anyway.)

4. His hair always smells like cheap citrus shampoo. Barf.

5. Scratches me with chipped and dirty nails.

6. Cheats on our seekers' games. (Ha, I knew the nargles were involved. That bastard.)

7. Always shows up unexpectedly when I'm having delightful afternoon tea with Luna.

8. Flirts with cute male bartenders after I (not purposefully and it is only a coincidence that Potter is usually right there) touch their hands for three Mississippis at The Leaky.

9. Cute male bartenders.

10. Did I mention extremely dorky?

11. Bats away my hand when I constantly poke him. (Not to get his attention, you filthy mudblood.)

12. Scolds me when I call someone a mudblood.

13. Eventually stops me from saying any discriminating terms altogether. And succeeds.

14. Teams up with Hermione to lecture me about equality and creature rights.

15. Smirks when I yawn inelegantly after a two-hour seminar from Hermione.

16. Merlin, that smirk!

17. His uncomfortably piercing green eyes.

18. Flips me off when I charm a U-No-Poo into his throat.

19. Gets Hermione to justify his rude hand gesture since I caused him constipation for days.

20. Cannot take humor when it comes to his bowel movements.

21. Is stupid enough to not lower his voice when telling Ron about his 'unclogging' issue.

22. Calls me a bitch. (I am not flattered, what the hell are you saying?!)

23. Glares at me every time I laugh.

24. Keeping up with all the arse talk, making me very uncomfortable.

25. He must be somehow cursing my trousers, they get tight every time he talks arses!! Argh. I'm going to find out eventually.

26. Bitches and glares at me for a whole day after I very smartly summoned his wand so that he has to sit on uncushioned hardwood chairs after the very clever scheme I launched on him, once again.

27. Doesn't have any smart comebacks when I make fun of his unruly hair. Ever heard of a dictionary, Potter?

28. Swats away my head when I lean in too close when we discuss case files.

29. Charms my hair to stick up when I insist on keeping my head that close to his. (I don't want to, of course, it's more efficient to do so when you're discussing something, you dimwit.)

30. The dorkiness, dammit!!

31. Does not reply to my thoughtful Howlers.

32. Does not appreciate my very expensive Howler parchment.

33. Does not smile for my pictures the mornings after I send him a Howler.

34. Uses absurd words like teenily-weenily.

35. Refuses to accept that teenily-weenily isn't a proper phrase until Hermione says so. (Excuse me, I'm a straight O student, Potter!)

36. Looking far too adorable when he pouts after I prove him wrong.

37. Is too distracting so that I spell phony wrong. I meant to write phony, not adorable. PHONY.

38. Tells me to sod off when I bring up my O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. scores for only the 394th time.

39. Hexes my precious boots red when I don't and instead makes fun of his mediocre (I'm being generous, really) potions abilities.

40. Actually nailing a very advanced potion, making me look very bad.

41. Claiming that I'm ignoring him only because he succeeded in making the potion. I have a life, Potter, it doesn't always revolve around you.

42. Messes up a first-year potion.

43. Not wearing proper work clothes underneath Auror robes.

44. Makes me realize in panic that I actually do find his mismatched pajamas just very slightly cute.

45. Nope, not cute. A dork. A massive dork.

46. Hissing at me when I accidentally (I swear!) press up against him during a regular Auror mission. (So the man's a serial killer, big deal. Live a little, Potter.)

47. Squeaks very horridly when the suspect appears, startling me.

48. Is stupid enough to almost fall over after the mild flailing of my arm in the stage of surprise.

49. Blinks stupidly when I catch him.

50. Making me realize that I actually have feelings for the sodding dork. 

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