Harry's List of 50 Reasons Why Draco Malfoy Is Actually Quite NOT Annoying

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1. He kisses me.

2. His lips are so soft.

3. His mouth tastes like happiness.

4. Doesn't throw me under the bus and bail when Robards yells at us for letting the culprit escape under our noses and attempts to take full blame. (I do not let him, of course.)

5. Repeating Reason 1 quite a lot.

6. Purposefully making out with me when Ron squawks at our held hands when we get back.

7. And yells at everyone for their immaturity when we realize several large betting pools are going on about our relationship.

8. Congratulates Hermione when he finds out that she wins.

9. Still decides to yell at her after a moment.

10. Takes me home and washes my hair.

11. Makes me realize that cinnamon-scented shampoo is actually not that bad.

12. Makes me realize that he, in fact, is pointy in all the right places.

13. ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇.

14. ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇, ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇, ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇.

15. Does things to me that make me need to conceal content for readers under 17 years old.

16. Doesn't summon my wand when I want to shoot a cushioning charm at my chair the next day.

17. Instead does a more advanced version of it for me and discretely does so for me for years to come. (It's like sitting on a cloud. Wheee!)

18. Tries hard to be on time for me even though he's still late most of the time.

19. Takes me to mani-pedis and kisses my knuckles after.

20. Still complains and whines when I win our seekers' games, but always ends up in a delightful shag.

21. Invites me to tea with Luna so that I don't feel left out.

22. Keeps a tender arm around me at The Leaky and doesn't even so much as glance at the direction of other men.

23. Constantly pokes me and asks about my day, even though he already knows everything about my day.

24. Plays with my hair until I fall asleep. (I know he's secretly trying to tame it, but to no avail, of course.)

25. Starts teaming up with Hermione not only to gang up against me but also to do serious promotion work for creature and muggle-born rights.

26. Buys more mismatched pajamas for me. (And they're fluffy!!!)

27. Still tries to make everything into a contest and pouts adorably when he loses.

28. Calls me (lovingly) a dork.

29. And emphasises that I'm his dork.

30. Then hugs me and tells me that I'm an adorable idiot.

31. Makes me feel all fuzzy and warm inside.

32. Holding my hand when we discuss case files (and I will never, ever swat it away again).

33. Still sends me tiny Howler notes in the middle of the night when he claims that he can sense that I can't sleep.

34. Is usually accurate about reason 33.

35. Shows up spontaneously to spoon me to sleep when I still can't fall asleep.

36. Soothes my nightmares and doesn't make fun of them.

37. Helps me with potions.

38. Goes to extravagant lengths to surprise me with something lovely, 'just because.'

39. Then brags about how good a boyfriend he is.

40. And then brings up his N.E.W.T. scores and tells me that I am extremely lucky to have a hot and smart boyfriend.

41. Makes me feel very lucky to have a hot and smart boyfriend.

42. Who also yelps like a puppy when he cooks (which happens very rarely and not attempted ever again after the great oil bubble incident).

43. Saves me within an inch of his life during an Auror mission to catch the serial killer we very romantically let escape last time.

44. Lets me yell at him for diving in front of me when a killing curse came flying.

45. Lets me save him from another on the next mission.

46. Yells at me (again, lovingly) for shoving him out of the way.

47. We always end up cuddling in St. Mungos' beds after that.

48. (And shagging... but the mediwizards and witches don't have to know.)

49. Tries (and fails) to come up with a cover story when we realize we forgot to use a silencing spell.

50. Then, after five very awkward Healers were finally done hovering around us, he turns to me, smiles sweetly and whispers "I love you."

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