Harry and Draco's list of 50 Reasons Why they Love their Children

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[A/N] Just for clarification, odd-numbered reasons are written by Harry, even-numbered reasons are listed by Draco!

1. Well, James took after my smoking bod.

2. And Scorp took after mine. Sorry Harry, but he will get all the gals. Or guys. Or both.

3. Lils is such a sweetie.

4. But she actually got your sassiness too.

5. Yeah, she totally roasted you when you started greying on your sideburns.

6. ...Scorp does not make fun of my hair.

7. James makes fun of your hair.

8. Scorp babbles, like you.

Wait, wait, hold on. I don't babble.

Yes, you do.

I don't! I mean, do I sometimes speak a little more than I'm supposed to? Of course, but everybody does that! It's totally normal, even the nargles when they start mating, you know, the male nargle kind of whines a lot when they are smooshin' booties, or the crumple-horned snorkacks, even the goblins —


I think I babble a little.

Yes, love.

9. They always make me laugh.

10. They make me cry way too much, but in a cool way.

11. Scorp laughs at my Dad jokes (and none of them laugh at yours).

12. But Lils appreciates my occasional trivia fun facts.

13. They cheer for me more on our seekers' games.

14. Um, no, they cheer for me more.

15. ...Let's just say they are all very supportive.

16. Ditto.

17. Lils and James come up with the best pranks ever.

18. And Scorp always helps them navigate and plan.

19. They turned you into a ferret again.

20. Laugh all you want, but I'm not the one that was cursed by an eight-hour farting charm.

21. They are... bright.

22. Couldn't agree more.

23. James is secretly McGonagall's favorite.

24. And they are all on the waiting list of the Slug Club, not that it's important in any way.

25. They make fun of you for being salty about not being in the Club.

26. Says the man who cried himself to sleep when James called me Dada first more than ten years ago.

27. They still owl us even though they're teenagers.

28. And they still gag when we kiss.

29. Which is just what makes them delightful.

30. And a tad immature.

31. Lils punched a boy in the face.

32. And she is more woke than all Hogwarts combined.

33. James and Scorp support her.

34. All three of them support each other.

35. Their constant bickering usually resolves on its own.

36. Scorp paints the lovely portraits on our walls.

37. James is a quidditch legend!

38. Lils can talk to Granger day and night and not get tired, which means less work for us.

39. James comes up with new ideas for George for their shop.

40. And he tests them on you.

41. And you too.

42. And his siblings and cousins.

43. They are just all so full of life.

44. And love.

45. And your sarcasm.

46. True, true.

47. But most importantly, I think it's you.

48. Why me?

49. Because... I raised them with you. That's what makes it so wonderful. I love you, Draco.

50. I love you too, Harry.

Ugh, BARF!!!

I need a bucket.

I think we need to use the farting charm more though, James. Thanks for reminding us, Dads.

Harry, love, you forgot to lock the bedside drawer again.

Harry And Draco's Lists of 50 Reasons (Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now