Secrets (18+)

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"Good morning " a loud voice calls out in a sing-song tone as your bedroom door swings open.

Josh stands there, dressed in a white turtleneck and black ski pants. You blankly stare at him for a bit, seeing as you had only decided to open your eyes five minutes ago.

"Sleep well?" He smiles, coming and sitting on the bed.

"Well, for the few hours I got, I guess." You answer, with a grin.

You two had been up way later than you'd like to admit, talking about different things, stealing kisses when you could.

He chuckles at your response, placing his hand on your head that's still lying on the pillow. He keeps it there for a moment, running his fingers through your hair, making eye contact but sitting in a comfortable silence, until you hear the others moving around the hall.

"Well you better get dressed." He smiles, quickly retracting his hand and standing up before anyone sees.

With that you quickly sit up and watch as he leaves your room, closing the door behind him.


Once, you've done your morning routine, braided your hair into two braids, and are dressed in a black turtle neck and black ski pants with red detailing at the bottom, you grab your ski boots and head out of your room.

You make it to the bottom of the stairs to see Sam, Josh and Eleanor sitting in the living room, each holding a cup of coffee.

"Coffee?" Josh asks, standing up from the couch as you approach the three.

"Sure, I'll get it though. Sit down." You say with a nervous laugh, shooting him a look.

"I insist. I know you're gonna need to rest those things because you've most likely forgotten how to ski properly." He jokes, gesturing towards your legs, before heading towards the kitchen while chuckling to himself.

"Fuck you." You shout back playfully as you take a seat.

"But that's what I'm here for, to help save you from falling on your ass a million times." He calls out with a laugh.

"Speaking of," Eleanor laughs getting up and walking towards a door that's placed under the stairs. "Here they are! Just as you requested!" She smiles, walking back over holding a pair of red skis you had owned since high school.

"You found them!" You exclaim, excitedly jumping up to take them from her.

"Yea, your mom, didn't seem to remember them being in attic." She smiles, as you place them against the wall.

"Thank you! I know the text I sent was a bit hard to understand." You laugh, going and taking a seat in the same spot as before on the couch.

"How long have you guys been planning this?!" Sam asks in awe, looking between the both of you.

"Awhile." You smirk, as Josh walks back into view holding a neatly made latte.

"You didn't have to get so fancy with it.." you say quietly, taking the mug from him with both hands.

"We'll I know you're not a black coffee kind of gal." He smiles, "plus that kitchen is fully stocked with every appliance ever so it was only right to use the know, get our moneys worth out of this place ." He finishes, talking with his hands.

Daylight // Josh Kiszka (18+)Where stories live. Discover now