Feel My Love (18+)

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It had been two days since your intimate encounter with Josh in the shower, unfortunately it had taken a few days for the snow storm to pass and everyone was around. Josh and his brothers had stayed up the past two nights, piecing together Jake's idea, adding onto it- though Eleanor swore up and down this was no work trip, she couldn't stop their creativity.

So you hadn't seen much of him in the way you had been yearning for, instead hasty kisses behind closed door, and in empty halls had sufficed.

But for the first time in two days Eleanor suggested her and Meredith take Jake and Sam out in town, so that you and Josh could be alone. What she didn't know, is just how perfectly that worked out. Her sly scheming of trying to get the two of you alone together benefited you more than she knew.

"You two have fun." She says, halfway out the door, giving you a pleased look.

"Yea, whatever." You play off with a smiling and a playful roll of your eyes.

"We'll, we should be back later tonight. Hope that gives you enough time to realize he's in love with you." She smiles finally heading out the door.

"Doubt it, but have fun!" You call out as she runs down the steps to the others in Jake's car.

You wave them off, then slowly close the door. The heat rushing over your body knowing you can finally be alone with him.

You walk back into the living room to find him sprawled out on the couch in nothing but a pair of sweatpants, reading a book. You quickly walk around, taking at seat by his feet.

"Well hello there." He says, book still covering his face.

"Hi." You smile, bringing your knees up to your chest, placing your chin on them.

"Are they gone?" He asks, quickly closing the book, turning his full attention to you.

"Mhmm" you hum, admiring his chocolate eyes.

"Well what are you doing? Come here." He demands with a smile, tossing the book on the coffee table and extending his arms out.

You take no hesitation to his invitation, quickly crawling on top of him, straddling him but laying flush to his chest.

"I was starting to go crazy.." he refers back to the last couple of days when he couldn't have you like he had wanted.

"Me too." You whisper looking up at him.

"C'mere" he says in a low tone, placing his fingers underneath your chin and pulling you towards him.

His lips caress yours in a long kiss, his hand moving from your chin and cupping your cheek. The kisses quickly go from sweet and sensual to hungry and hasty, and his free hand slips under the back of your shirt, the cool touch giving you goosebumps.

He gently digs his fingers into your back as you slip his bottom lip in between your teeth for only a moment, sliding your hand slowly down his torso.

"I think we should just tell them.." he says, throwing his head back in ecstasy as your hand finally reaches the growing mass in his sweats.

"Why's that?" You ask against the skin of cheek, gently nibbling at it.

"Because I can't not do this with you everyday, anywhere and anytime I want you." He growls lowly as your hand goes to work, stroking through the fabric of his pants.

"But it being a secret makes it so," you begin, trailing the kisses down his neck to his collar bone. "much" you mumble against his smooth skin, continuing to kiss lower and lower till you reach his waistband, "better." You finish, looking up at him through your lashes.

Daylight // Josh Kiszka (18+)Where stories live. Discover now