Sedated (18+)

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A few days had passed since your last encounter with Josh. He'd been distant, avoiding you most days when he could. You feared maybe you had lost him, and that he didn't want anything to do with you at all.

Whatever it was, kept you on edge every time you looked his way, or came near him, hoping he'd give you another chance to speak to him besides the awkward conversations you had when others were around so they wouldn't speculate anything.

You couldn't deny you fucked up by not telling him your true intentions and it killed you. In the past week that he hadn't spoken to you, you realized just how much you loved him and just how much you wanted to be with him no matter the situation.


"Good morning! Ready to go?" Sam says as you close your bedroom door behind you, ready to take on the slopes for the last day- your vacation nearing the end.

"I am." You smile, thoughts of Josh still weighing heavy on your mind.

You walk downstairs with him, greeting everyone who sat in the living room, everyone responds, except Josh. Instead, he stares off out the window, deep in thought with brows furrowed.

"Hey so, Mer, Sam, Jake and I are gonna ride together...and you Josh can take the car with all the gear." Eleanor smiles, nudging your arm playfully, thankfully but not, she hadn't caught on to the tension between the two of you.

"Oh okay, sounds good.." You respond, nervously playing with the rings on your finger.

"Josh you ready? Y/n, is gonna ride with you!" El shouts, snapping him from trance.

"Okay." He says simply, standing up, passing the two of you without a word.

"What's his deal?" She asks, hoping you know.

"I'm not really sure, he's been like that for the past week.." you lie knowing it's your fault.

With that, you all gather your coats and head for the door. You place a beanie over your braided hair as the cold air hits your face, pulling two strands from either side to frame your face.

The two couples pile into Jakes car, leaving you to go and to sit in the passenger seat of Josh's car as he brushes the snow off the windshield.

Finally he gets in, tossing him self behind the wheel and closing the door rather hard, causing you to flinch.

You say nothing for the first half of the drive, the silence eating away at the two of you.

This was the first time in the entire span of your friendship with him that you'd ever had a fight this serious.

"Josh," you start, unable to contain your thoughts any longer.

"Hmm?" He hums in a monotone manner, keeping his eyes on the road, paying you no mind.

You contemplate even saying another word as you can tell he doesn't seem to be in the mood.

"I'm sorry." You blurt, you mind a mess over the million different ways you want to apologize to him.

He stays silent for awhile, looking forward with no emotion. You immediately regret even saying anything, turning your head towards the window, trying your best not to fall apart, but the tears forming in your eyes beginning to blur your vision.

"You're sorry?" He repeats, slightly annoyed.

You quickly whip your head around to face him, seeing as this is the most he's spoke to you in days.

"You're sorry?" He repeats with an irritated laugh, still not looking your direction.

You let out an exasperated scoff, taken aback but his blunt behavior.

Daylight // Josh Kiszka (18+)Where stories live. Discover now