Lovesick (18+)

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You woke up to the sound of a repetitive knock against the door. At first you thought nothing of it, then you realized you weren't your bed, and that was his arm draped around you.

You try to sit up, but his hold on you is so tight you can't move.

"Josh!" you whisper but he only groans, tightening his grip, squirming underneath his hold.

"Josh!" You say again, nudging him.

"Hmm" he hums, nuzzling his head into your neck.

"Hey josh," Jake's voice calls out from behind the door, "you decent? There's I something wanna run past you!"

He shoots up, staring at you wide eyed as you also sit up. You match his gaze, giving him a 'what now' look.

"Um no, not yet, one sec!" He says hesitantly, jumping up from the bed.

"Well hurry up!" Jake shouts back.

"I am!" He calls back, coming around to your side of the bed, and taking your hand.

"I know this isn't ideal, but just wait here for a sec..just until he's gone" he promises as he backs you into the closet of the room.

"Josh!" You whisper with a worried look as he begins to shut the two doors.

"Just for a bit." He says, giving you a peck on the lips in reassuring manner before completely closing the doors.

"Are you fucking serious.." you mutter as you watch him finally let Jake into the room through the slits of the closet door.

You watch quietly as Jake talks to Josh about a guitar solo that popped into his mind during his shower, however Josh seemed to rush the conversation promising to sit down with him and go over it later.

Then another voice joined the conversation.

"Hey do you guys know where y/n is? She wasn't in her room.." Eleanor asks, poking her head into Josh's room.

"Fuck." You whisper, watching as closely as Josh try's his best to lie.

"Um no, I haven't seen her.. maybe she went out for a walk or something?" He suggests, running a hand through his mess of curls.

"A walk? In this weather?" Eleanor laughs, pointing towards the snowy scene outside the window.

"I don't know!" Josh says in a slightly frustrated manner, putting his hands up in defense.

"Hmm okay, we'll if you see her, ask her if she wants coffee or anything, Jake and I are going to head to that coffee shop we drove past the other day." She says, handing him her phone so he can type in his order.

"Sure, or I can just put it in right now." He smiles, typing your order into her phone as well.

"Aw that's cute." She jokes, before taking her phone, earning a sarcastic grin from Josh.

"When I get back?" Jake asks Josh, making sure he doesn't forget about his solo idea.

"Yes." Josh says, shooing him out of his room with a smile.

You hadn't realized how long you had been holding your breath until Josh shut his door, and you finally let out a sigh of relief.

"That was close huh?" He asks as he swings the closet doors open with a smile.

"Too close." You smile, pushing past him and heading towards the bedroom door.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks, gently grabbing your wrist and pulling you back towards him.

Daylight // Josh Kiszka (18+)Where stories live. Discover now