Act I - Vacation

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The low hum of the AC vibrated in the darkness, filling the room with a breeze of cool air that lulled the person currently tucked in the softness of his comforter further deeper in his dreams. It been a while since he had a decent sleep, the work of running and managing one of the top gangs in Tokyo was exhausting him completely by the end of each passing day. Any longer then his hair would've turned white, whiter than his brother's, before he could even reach his twenties. Snooring softly in his bedroom, the young nineteen-year-old snuggled with the tip of his blanket, eyes closed and mind adrift to dreamland — that was until someone kicked his door wide open and ruining everything.

"Hey, shrimp. Wake up." A voice rudely commanded. The teen knew who was that and it made him furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance.

"Shut up," he grumbled, turning his body around so his back would face the intruder. Wrong move.



"I said wake up, you midget." Izana growled, pulling back his feet that he used to harshly push his little brother off his bed. "Shin is here and Emma wanted to be complete on the table for breakfast. She is currently on her period right now and I don't want to get another annoying rant from her early in the morning if I don't get your lazy ass down." He then went to the light switch and turned it on, brightening up the room so that he could see better.

Mikey hissed louldy, both from the pain on his forehead and from the light beaming on his eyes. "Hey! Turn it off!" He roared as he lifted his blanket to cover body and face before curling into a ball on the floor.

"Nope," the white-haired man simply said, his lilac eyes stared at the lump of blanket wiggling before him in boredom. "Just get up and come to the kitchen." He added before exiting the room, leaving the door and lights open just to irritate his younger brother.

"Ass," the blonde grumbled under his breath as he hesitantly sat up, letting the blanket to fall on the floor. Grabbing the remote of his AC, he turned off the cool air before taking a few minutes to look at his room.

Living in the old garage where his eldest brother works has it's advantages when it comes to space. Shinichiro had already moved out of the house and rented a place near his workshop so that he could work longer hours at night and not worry about the trip back home. Also, he confidently thought that he could bring a lady over if he becomes independent — that idea went down the drain when he reached thirty and still hasn't gotten laid.

Mikey smirked at the memory of Shinichiro crying with snots dripping down his nose as he got wasted on his birthday celebration, whining on how ladies won't give him a chance. Well, you couldn't blame the ladies, his brother is an absolute mess when communicating to women. One moment he's being cool, the next he's being a hopeless wreck who kept one stuttering embarrassing nonsense. Like this one time when the boys when to a bar for Izana's college graduation party, Mikey and Draken actually found a good match for the eldest Sano. The first few minutes, everything was looking good, they were laughing around and the girl was obviously flirting back. Everyone thought Shinichiro will finally lose his v-card, that was until he blurted out a comment that all of them remembers up to this day.

'Hey your boobs are sooo big, bet they cost a lot to get done, huh?'

One slap and a splash of Martini later, he went back to this whining drunk brat. Takeomi tried to sober him up while Wakasa and Benkei kept on laughing on the background along with the rest of the gang. Of course, being the good brothers they were, Mikey and Izana even recorded the whole aftermath just for fun.

Lifting his arms in the air, the young blonde stretched the drowsiness away before walking around his room. He has a lounging area complete sofas, TV, and mini table that was set in front of his bed, while the walls were filled with cabinets filled with either his collectables, action figures, clothes, and boxes of his old books from middle school to high school — he had yet to throw them out since Emma might need some references on his notes, if he had any that is. He also has a spot designated for spare parts of his bike as well as some of the tools that Shinichiro left behind.

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