Act 9 - Her Tale

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Humans are death themselves, never ever let yourself get attached by one one.

That was the ultimate rule that was installed in the minds of your kind, and it always has been. For your protection — for everyone's protection — it was vital for your existence to be hidden from their prying eyes.

But why though? You often asked yourself when you were just a child. In your eyes, humans are magnificent beings. Despite being helpless by themselves, they were able to make do with what they were offered by the gods and then eventually manifested some wonderful creations. From ships that sailed through the seven seas to aircrafts that soared across the infinite sky, from simple equestrian to advanced motor vehicles, from cooking with open fire to having more than a hundred ways on how to prepare food — you were at awe at their accomplishments. They were filled with so much wonder that you didn't dare to believe that they were the figure of death.

However, you were but a mere child back then, too oblivious to the reality of their nature and the dangers that comes with it. They're a living death sentence; one contact, one false move, you're damned for eternity. And the only salvation is to die.

As one of the children of the water, especially one that has granted the ocean's blessing, you only had one purpose: to guard and to protect, for the kingdom, for your kind.

"Hey, what's your name?"

No exemptions.

"Whoa, that's so cool! Alright, I've decided! We're going to be the bestest of friends!"

But it all changed because of one human...

"Hey, let's stay this way forever and ever, okay?"

All had changed because of him...


"AAAH — OW!" Your shout came short as your head smacked on a very hard surface from sitting abruptly before falling back into the softness of your pillow. "Ow, ow, ow~" You whined, hands rubbing on your forehead in hopes to alleviate the throbbing pain as you twist and turn on your bed. "What the — Mizuho?!" You groaned, (E/C) eyes glaring at ravenette who was sharing the same pain on the same spot.

"Owie~ (Y/N)-san, why is your forehead so haaaard?" She whined. Her bottom lip was pushed out, pouting low and deep to show her childish discontent of the accident.

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