Act 10 - Children of the Ocean

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You were a careful driver, not speeding up above the normal limit if not necessary. The drive was smooth, although you got a little wobbly at times when Mizuho suddenly raised her arm to wave at the neighbors and other locals, even to people she hadn't met yet like this certain group that has a tall blond guy with a cool yet intimidating tattoo on the side of his head. She was that friendly.

You parked the scooter once you arrived at the restaurant. Mizuho obviously shows her excitement to enter because she forgot to remove her helmet as she hopped off and sprinted to the main entrance. "This girl, really," you chuckled under your breath as you removed yours and stored it on the extra compartment of the scooter. You jogged to keep up with her but once you entered restaurant, you felt something wrapped around your waist, lifting you up and spinning you around but you couldn't see what it was. Once you realized what's going on, you laughed. "Ah! Riku! Put me down, haha!"

"Ahaha! Sorry, sorry," a voice behind you said before placing you down on your feet. When you turned, you were staring at nothingness, but then a figure slowly appeared out of thin air. There you could now see the bronze-haired male smiling widely at you manifesting into view. "Just good to have you back, (Y/N)." He said as he patted your head.

"Yeah, it's glad to be back," you said. Riku was three years your senior and was the one who taught you the ropes of the human world. He acted more of the older brother than a mentor that's why you felt a closer bond with him than the rest of the group, and he dubbed you two as the 'young dynamic duo'.

He bellowed with laughter, showing his pearl that he accesorized as a piercing sat on the flat of his tongue. Yes, he's a fellow merfolk.

"I want to hug, too!" Mizuho cheered and doved towards you, engulfing you two to a big hug.

And now Mizuho has joined, the 'young dynamic duo' became the 'young dynamic trio'.

"Well, the youngsters are finally complete." You three turned your head and saw Nana, crossing her arms as she leaned her body on the counter. Her pearl hanging on a sterling silver chain bracelet that she had worn on her right wrist. "Finally I could get some time away from Riku. He keeps on invading my personal space because he's feeling 'lonely'." She flashed a teasing smirk towards the bronze-haired man.

He frowned but then smirked back. "And I could finally have someone who's not always cranky." With that comment, you and Mizuho looked at each other, nodded your heads before slowly backing away from the Riku — as in way back. "Well, that's to be expected from an old hag being on her period everyday." He added. And with that, you both covered your ears.

Nana's eyes gleamed in fury for a second before a mischivious twinkle shone, making her jade eyes glow. Pursing her lips with a small hole in between, she played a low and quick whistle. For a split second, you saw a ripple on the air she blew into and then another second later, Riku had thrown his head back, groaning loudly as if he got punched square on the face. Good thing you and Mizuho covered your ears or you two would've heard it fully and also recieve Nana's sound attack.

Riku knelt to the floor, hands on his ears. "Ugh, what the — that's hurts!" He cried out, tears threatening to spill from his glassy cyan-colored eyes.

Nana just smiled smugly. "That's what you get for insulting me, kid." She said, nodding her head towards you to signal that it's clear to drop your hands now.

"What?!" The young man hollered, a confused look on his face.

Mizuho skipped towards Ruki, leaning her upper body forward and cupping her hands around her mouth. "SHE SAID 'THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR INSULTING ME, KID'!" She yelled.

"WHAT?!" He asked again loudly.

"Oh dear," you sighed as you crouched down to your what-you-pressumed-to be-deaf senior. You tapped his shoulder to get him to look at you. When he did, you grabbed his wrists and pulled them away from his head. "Yup, you damged his eardrums again, Nana-san." You said as you saw blood running down from the insides of his ears and some got into his palms.

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