Act 11 - Fate's Course

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"Ugh, I don't feel so good." Riku groaned at the back as he laid down on the double seaters. "I think Nana successfully poisoned me this time. Hey, (Y/N), you can cure poison, right? Help me out here." He added with a whine.

You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. "Don't be dramatic, Riku. Nana didn't poison you; you just overate." You explained before digging through your sling bag and took out your traveling medicine pouch. You'd guessed that Riku would overeat again like always, so you came prepared. "Here," you said as you looked back and passed him your small travel container of Tums.

"Thanks," he weakly replied as he grabbed the container. He opened the lid open before popping a tablet of the chewable in his mouth. "Can I grab hold of these for a moment? I don't think this will pass later with only one dose,"

"Sure, just don't overdo it." You went back to facing forward on your seat. You adjusted the air cooler so it would blow the cold air slightly away and not directly to your face as it was making you shiver. Now comfortable, you leaned your back on your seat and looked out the window where the flickering neon lights of the convenient store glowed brightly.

You two were currently waiting for Kuro for his quick stop at the store for some extra desserts for his friend 'Mikey'. He mentioned that he got hospitalized days ago and he hasn't visited him because he was occupied with the judge who had handled your restraining order. You could see him through the store's windows walking around from isle-to-isle and also got a glimpse of the basket he was carrying; he had a whole month's worth of treats in it!

"Wow, guess this 'Mikey' guy has a sweet tooth, huh?" You unconsciously uttered.

"Oh yeah, he has a sweet tooth, alright." Riku confirmed as he hugged the back rest of the driver's seat and rested his chin on his arm. "This boy practically inhaled his milkshake in seconds. Oh, it's jumbo-sized." He added, making you look at him with your eyes widened in disbelief.

"You're joking,"

"Not joking, Nana and I were just as surprised as you are right now. Kuro on the other hand, he knew him so much that he had already gave him his second milkshake before he could even ask for it." He chuckled. "Honestly, those boys eat like there's no tomorrow, but their bodies sure didn't show it."

You arched a brow. "What does that mean?"

"I mean, they looked too fit and healthy looking for a couple of boys who just chowed down food that could easily give you a heartburn, or diabetes in Mikey's case." He paused for a moment as if he was remembering something. "Hold on, I think there's only one of them who's chubby, so he fits his eating habits."

You playfully smack his arm, earning a short yelp from him out of surprise. "Don't judge their appearances so easily like that. It's not nice," you scolded him.

He merely laughed as he apologized. "Anyway, what's taking Kuro so long?" He asked as peeked through your window. "Oh, never mind, he's out...along with some guy?"

You turned and saw Kuro has indeed gone out of the store with another person beside him. A man with the most unique features you had ever seen in town: bleach blond hair that could almost rival snow itself and a light brown complexion, somewhat the level of tan that most visitors wanted top achieve when they come here. He wore a loose red plaid shirt over a black turtle neck and cream-colored cargo pants. He also had a weird pair of earrings — from what you remembered on the human's customs and traditions in this country, those looked like hanafuda earrings. They seemed to be close as you could see how delighted Kuro was as he talked to the man. It took them a couple of seconds of talking before your boss pointed at the direction of the van you two were residing. You then saw the man's eyes, a beautiful pair of orchid-colored eyes, looking at you. Not the van, you.

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