Act 7 - Corals

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(A/N: (F/D) Favorite dessert.)

Mikey expected this.

He totally expected this.

But what he didn't expect was that he was the one turning full-on-nanny mode on him.

As in this brother of his turned a full 360 and had now became his strict and scary-ass babysitter who watched his every move twenty-four-seven. Be it eating, sleeping, or just going to the bathroom, he will be there to check on him. If he groaned, he would be there with meds and stuff; if he yawns, he would drag him to bed to sleep; if his stomach growled, he would freaking bring him food. And not the food he usually eats, it's straight up veggies and fruits with little to no meat.

It was his idea of a punishment, to have him be there and 'take care' of the third Sano but in reality was to annoy the hell out of him at the same time creep him out on how out of character it was for him. His changed diet was cruel enough — hell, he was not even allowed to have desserts anymore, especially taiyaki and dorayaki! How was he suppose to live without them?! Then when he thought things wouldn't get any worse, he just had to add that stupid rule —

"Where do you think you're going, Sano fucking Manjiro?"

— he was not allowed to set foot outside the house.

Mikey's body went stiff as he felt a menancing aura behind him. He was caught red-handed. "H-Hey, Izana~" The blond lad chuckled awkwardly, turning his head to the scowling white-haired man.

Izana's glaring purple eyes only hardened when it landed on the blond nineteen-year-old's hand that was reaching for the door knob. "Do I need to put a leash on you, or should I just chop off your feet entirely?"

Mikey pouted, cheeks ballooning like that of a chipmunk's stuffed with nuts. "But — "


In that instant, Mikey plopped down the floor and whined loudly, acting like a complete toddler which was not surprising for the older Sano. "Come on, bro! It's boring here! Plus, my birthday's coming up, can't you just let me be for little while?"

He begged. Yes, the Sano Manjiro, a.k.a the Invincible Mikey, begged.

Izana almost cracked a smile. He loves it when he has the upper hand when it comes to Mikey. But as much as he wanted to tease the blond teen further, make him beg even more, but he was halted by a familiar voice coming from behind.

"Don't give your brother a hard time, Izana." The white-haired man looked back and saw his scarred best friend emerging from the kitchen, hands patting themselves dry on the apron he's wearing. "Give him a bit of slack, no?"

"Thank you, Kakucho!" Mikey exclaimed in gratituted.

Izana clicked his tongue in annoyance. "You're siding with him? So what? Are you his best friend now?"

"Jealous~?" Mikey teased but immediately zipped his mouth when Izana sent him a very deadly glare.

Kakucho sighed. "No, I'm not siding with anyone. I just think that since he has been locked in the beach house for three days following your rules even though it's against his own will, Mikey here kind of deserves some break. Maybe lighten up on the rules a bit? Also, I don't want you two fight as per Shinichiro's request." He explained.

Izana rolled his eyes. "Of course he would ask you to do that." He knew Kakucho earned his older brother's trust since he was the most responsible person in his group of friends. Even back in his college days, Shinichiro would request Kakucho to keep an eye on him whenever they went out drinking. That always ended up with Kakucho being the only one sober while the rest were dead-ass drunk.

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