Chapter 10: Its only worth it if you work for it

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Here's an update for y'all. Sorry for it being late. I've been super busy lately moving and finding a job and just haven't been motiveless lately. Been going through a lot and just trying to get back up on my feet.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I'm doing my best to make chapters longer.

If anyone has any ideas for this book, please Dm your ideas. Been struggling trying to figure out what to do with this book.

Andy's P.O.V.

I wake up to see Remi not next to me in bed. I start to panic and worry. I quickly get out of bed and start looking for him. I check everywhere around the cabin and he's nowhere to be seen.

I go outside and sigh in relief when I see Remington sitting outside near my punching bag drinking some water. I walk over to him and sit by him. " there you are. I was looking for you." I tell him.

He looks at me and frowns." Sorry if I worried you. I needed to relieve some stress. So I decided to come out here and do some training. I'm trying to control my emotions and feelings. You know to keep the monster in me away."

" that's good Remington. I'm glad to hear that. " I tell him with a smile. " need any help?" I ask him.

" I think I got it. But if I need help I'll come to you." He tells me. I nod in understanding.

" I'll be in side making breakfast. If your hungry or need anything, come get me okay." I let him know and he nods. " love you." I tell him.

" love you too." He says back as he keeps up and punches the bag some more.

I sigh and go inside and start making breakfast. I hope Remington is okay and doing alright.

Remington's P.O.V.

I started training this morning to try and control the monster in me. Thought it will do me some good to learn how to control it and use my abilities. I also been doing some research on what I'm going through, but haven't had any luck on that.

In the mornings I work out to control my anger and sadness. At night is when I control my inner monster/demon. Since it's more active at nights. Found out my monster is triggered when I get bullied or feel attacked or threatened.

So if I keep that under control I can keep my demon in control. I wanna use my abilities for good and not bad. Like being a super hero in a way. But for me I'm more like a mutant, like the X-Men.

Maybe they can take me in. I chuckle at myself knowing that possibly won't ever happen. But it can be a dream.

My tummy starts rumbling, so I decide to take a break and go inside. I join Andy at the table after dishing up. Andy had made waffles with chocolate chips. I smile at Andy," thank you Andy for everything."

" no problem sweetheart. I'll do anything for you to keep you safe and protect you. You my world." He says to me and I smile and blush.

I begin eating, but stop when I hear the news in the background.

" we're live at the Cincinnati's School for Creative and Performing Arts. " the lady on the Tv begins saying. " we just heard some news that a few students had went missing. We received some footage of a Black figure with glowing red eyes appear in a hallway of the school attacking some students." My mouth drops at what she just said. Right after that the footage is shown. I see my inner demon attacking the two students that bullied me. But the footage is cut after, since Andy broke the camera so nothing was shown after.

The news lady goes back to talking," we don't know for sure what this is or where it came from. But if anyone has spotted this figure or sees it. Please report immediately. That's all for today. " the tv than is turned off.

I look over at Andy worried. " I'm a wanted criminal Andy. " I begin to cry.

Andy comes over to me and comforts me." No you are not. They don't know it's you hun. It's gonna be okay. Your in a safe place. "

" what are we gonna do Andy?" I ask him.

" we're gonna keep training. We have to be prepared for what's to come." He tells me and I nod. Knowing that I'm gonna have to work harder to control my demon. I need to become stronger. So that's what I'm gonna do.

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