chapter 4: Generation why

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* trigger warning mentions of homophobic slurs and blood *

Remington's p.o.v.

I was happy Andy decided to be happy for once and leave that group. All they did was make him someone he was not. But now he can be happy and free and choose to be whatever he wants to be. Which is a good thing. I'm just scared and worried he might leave my side and go back to his group of friends.

I just hope he doesn't.

" Hey Remi?" Andy said breaking me from my thoughts.

" Yeah Andy?" I asked.

" What's it like being happy? " He asked.

" umm... like what do you mean?" I asked a bit confused, not really understanding what he's trying to say.

" like what's it like being happy and open with others? I've never got to be happy. Being with that group changed me and I want to be back to being happy and open with others." He explained to me.

" oh I see. Well being happy is being able to smile, laugh, tell jokes to make others laugh and being cheerful, kind, and loving to those around you. And to be open with others is just being yourself, be who you are, being able to be with the one you love no matter if it's a boy or a girl. Just be you and be yourself. Dont let others change who you are. Cause no one should care what others think. Just be you as long as it makes you happy. You can't let other bring you down, cause that only means your above them." I explain to him while smiling.

He looks at me shocked, mouth wide open. " what?" I ask him.

" wow! How are you so good with words?" He asks curious.

" I have my ways." I tell him with a bit of sass. And in that moment is when Andy's group of friends came up to us.

" Hey Andrew what you doing with this fag here?!" One of them asks with anger in their voice.

" yeah Andy what are you doing talking to the fag?" Another one says.

I give Andy a look saying" be who you are. Don't let them change you. You are better than them."

Andy closes his eyes and sighs before saying, " No what guys? I'm out of the group. I'm sick and tired of being mean to people and watching them hurt because of me. That's not who I am. I hate hurting people. It's not right. They did nothing to us, so why should I hurt them when they did nothing to me. It's not right. Its wrong. I would rather make people happy and smile then hurt them. "

I give Andy a smile and a thumbs up. That's until one of the guys came and punched Andy in the face knocking him down to the ground. " so your saying your a faggot now!!! Then so be it. Be a fag to with this other one. Your not our friend." The guy then spat on his face.

As I saw that happen something in me change and I began to feel this painful feeling in me. It's as if I was changing into a monster. I felt my body shift and feel fangs growing in my mouth and my eyes go red.

I began to feel a thirst for blood. I than lunged forward and bit into that guys neck and drink his blood and the other guys got scared and ran off calling for help. I looked over at Andy and his looked shocked and terrified of me.

I then felt my body go back to normal and I fell back against the lockers and began shaking. I looked at the guy that laid on the floor lifeless.

I saw Andy crawl backwards against the lockers across from me.

" A-Andy please don't b-be scared of me. I-i didn't know I could do that. Please Andy i-im scared. Please help me." I began crying and Andy slowly came over to me and hugged me.

" we got to get you out of here before they see you. I dont want you going to jail." Andy whispered in my ear as he picked me up and carried me out the back doors where no one can see us.

" It wasn't my fault Andy. I promise. That wasnt me that did that." I tell him as I cry into his shoulder.

" it's okay Remi. I believe you." He than took me to his house. Luckily no one was home. Andy helped me get cleaned up and I changed into some of his clothes while he washed mine since they had blood on them.

" What if they find me Andy? What if those boys tell the whole school it was me that killed that other boy? Oh no oh no oh no. I'm gonna go to jail. I dont want to go to jail at a young age. I will die in there." I then start panicking and shaking. My breathing begins to go uneven and I soon get dizzy.

" Remi? Look at me." Andy says as he holds me and sits us down with me on his lap. He begins rubbing my back. " its gonna be okay. I wont let them get you. We can tell them it was all a misunderstanding and that it wasnt you. We can make those boys believe it was some monster and not you. We will figure something out. Its gonna be all okay remi. Your safe with me." Andy tells me while still rubbing my back.

I soon start to calm down and cuddle into The black hair, blue eyed man. I begin to fall asleep on his lap.

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