chapter 14: nightcall

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Emerson's P.O.V.

I'm really worried about remington. It's been a few weeks and I haven't seen or heard anything from him.

Mom and Seb are worried too. We've tried calling his phone and nothing. He left no traces of where he could've went.

We thought about going to the police, but we're just trying to wait and see if he turns up or until we hear from him.

I sigh and go to turn on the news and see that one of the students from my school has been attacked by a monster, but it's hard to tell as it's just a big black blurry shadow shown on the screen of the school Hall way.

Mom and Seb come in and see what I'm watching.

" Do they know who did this?" Mom asks.

" Not sure. They can't tell cause all you can see is a black shadow figure. How can they explain that? If anything they can just say the the camera froze or something. " I say to her. Like really how can anyone explain what they saw?

Seb stands quietly for a bit before speaking. " If I saw something like that I know I wouldn't be able to explain to people what I saw. They'd think I'm crazy. " He says.

" Agree. I hope Remington is okay. I miss him. " I tell Mom and Seb. I start to cry a little. " I just want him to come home, I miss my best friend. " Seb and mom come and sit by me engulfing me in a hug from each side. Soon they both cry and we're just a crying mess.

( Meanwhile at Andy's cabin or wherever Remington and Andy are currently at )

Remington's p.o.v.

Andy had gone out shopping not to long ago after we had woken up from our nap in the afternoon, it's now close to night. I'm sitting in the room we share thinking of calling my brothers and mom to let them know I'm okay. But I don't wanna risk the chances of them telling people where I'm at. Than again I doubt they will. I'm sure they'll understand.

I sigh and decide to call Emerson. Cause fuck I miss my Best friend. I pick up the landline and dial his number waiting for him to answer which is surprising. " H-hello?" He says.

" Emerson, it's Remington. Before you say anything I'm okay. I-im with Andy. A lot has happened and it's hard to explain, but I need you to know I'm safe and alright. " I tell him and I can tell he has been crying.

" Remington what happened?" He asks.

I sigh and try to think of what to say. " I can't say Emerson. I-im in danger and I don't wanna hurt anyone. I'm not a bad person, I'm just dealing with a lot right now. Until I can figure what going on with me em. I can't be near you guys. I want you all to be safe. Andy is helping me work on myself and trying to figure out what going on. As soon as I do that I promise you guys can come visit. But please keep this between us. I can't have word get out where I am. " I explain to him.

I can hear Emerson start to cry again. " Remington what kind of trouble are you in? Did something bad happen? Are the police after you?"

Do I dare tell him? Will he forever hate me if I do? Will my brothers and mom think differently of me? My mind is racing with so many thoughts I can't think properly. I don't know what to say.

Just than I hear a car pull up. I go to look out the window to see who it is and it's def not Andy. They walk up to the door and I look and see it's not locked and curse to myself. The door opens and the figure stares at me before charging at me and putting a bag over my head. " Who are you?! " I ask the guy. " Put me down?! Let me go?!" I yell at the guy. I drop the phone as the figure carries me out to their car and put me in what I assume the trunk.

Emerson's P.O.V.

" Remington?! You there?! Remington?!" I yell out to him. The line then goes dead. Fuck!!! Fuck...fuck...fuck...I start crying.

" That was Remington? " Seb ask and I nod.

" Is he okay?" Mom asks and I shake my head no.

" He's in danger. Something bad happens with him and I think it was at school. He won't say or tell me. He's safe with Andy and Andy's been helping remington figure out what's wrong with him. And I think Remi just got kidnapped just now. He was yelling at someone saying to let him go and put him down. " I explain to Mom and Sebastian.

" Let's go get him? Can you track the call? We can find him. " Mom asks me. " We have too. We need to make sure he's okay." Mom starts crying.

" He said it's not safe for us to be around him. " I tell her.

" We have to go get him " Sebastian says. He goes to grab his keys. " I don't care if he says it's not safe around him we're going. Come on!" Seb says sternly. Mom gets up and follows him and I have no choice but to go.

We all pile in the car and drive to the location where the call was made.  It was about a 6 hour drive away, but we made there. We park in front of a cabin . I see a tall guy pacing in front of the cabin and I assume it's the Andy guy Remington was talking about. " Are you Andy?" I call out to him.

He looks up at us and makes his way to us. " Yes I am. Who are you guys?!" He asks confused.

" We're Remingtons family. I'm Emerson his younger brother. " I tell him.

Sebastian looks at Andy. " I'm Sebastian Emerson and Remingtons older brother. And this is our mom." Sebastian says to Andy.

Andy sighs and frowns. " Idk what happened to Remington, he was here one minute and than just was gone the next." He explains. " I just went to go shopping. Was only gone for not even an hour."

" He called me and sounded like he got kidnapped." I explain the whole conversation to Andy of what happened with Remington.

Andy looks worried. " Fuck we need to go and find him. If we don't bad things are gonna happen and someone is gonna get hurt." He explains to us. We all just get more concerned and worried about Remington.

What has gotten into Remington and what could possibly happen?

That was the last we all spoken before we made our journey on finding Remington.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21 ⏰

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