chapter 8: Close my eyes

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( Trigger warning, mentions of blood )

Andy's p.o.v.

I started backing away from him as he started walking towards me. To be honest I was scared.

I didnt know what to do. I couldn't run, cause he can just catch me in a heartbeat.

There's no way out of this. I'm stuck, I have no where to go.

Come on Andy think of something. There's has to be something I can do.

Than it hit me, if I tried talking to Rwmington maybe just maybe I can get him back to reality.

I looked at Remington and began talking to him," Remington, it's me Andy. Look I know your in there. This ain't you. Your much better than this and much stronger. You can fight thos Rem. Please just snap out of it." Idk why, but tears started to fall from my eyes. I can't lose the love of my life to this monster he is.

As he got closer to me, I started backing away more, until my back hit a tree and Rem was up close to my face.

I notice his hair got a bit longer. Almost shoulder length and it was blonde?

He brought his hand up to my face and I saw that his finger nails were long and shape. They were dark black colored.

I start shaking in fear and tears fell more from my eyes. " Rem please, this ain't you. Don't hurt me please. I love you." I look away from him, scared of what he might do.

Just then, he back away and shook his head and started to shift again. He looked at me and said before falling to the ground," Andy?" He than fell and blacked out.

I stood there for a few minutes trying to figure what happened, before I ran to him. I kneeled down beside him and noticed he's back to his human form.

I just hope whatever Rem is going through, isnt a permanent thing. I dont want him going through this forever.

I how there is a way to end this and stop whatever is happening to my baby.

I pick up Rem and take him to my family's cabin, far away from our hometown. Just till everything is settled down.

But before I took him there, I decided to sneak in the school and delete all the footage from the school cameras on what happened with Rem the last minutes of school. Once that was done I left with Rem to the cabin.

Atleast now the school has no idea what happened and my baby is safe.

I stop by the Kropp family's place to let them know that Rem is okay.  I knock on their door and a pirate looking kid opens the door. " Who are you and where is my brother?"

" I'm Andy and Remington is in the car. " i tell. I decide to just get to the point. I can't stay here long. "Look its not safe here for him. I'm gonna take him somewhere he is safe and not in danger."

Em: " what happened? Is he okay? Why isnt he safe?"

Andy: " look kid, I have no time to explain. I just want to let you know, that he's in a safe place. And if anyone asks you where he is or where I am. Just tell them you don't know and that you havent heard anything."  He just nods and says" okay."  And with that I leave without saying another word.

-Time skip 4 hours later-

We reach my family's cabin and i grab Remington from the passenger seat of the car and carry him inside.

I take him the master bedroom and lay him on the bed. I get him changed into some clean clothes before covering him up. I change into some pj's and get in bed next to him.

I close my eyes and fall asleep, just hoping all this could be a dream.

Remington's p.o.v.

I dont Remember what happened today, it's like I lost control of who I was and bacame a completely different person.

I ended up killing a person, turning into a bat, and almost hurt my boyfriend. I've became a monster. I dont know how this happened to me and where these powers cam from.

All I know is that I need to find a way of stopping this, before its gets more stronger and takes over me. I cant let this get any worse than it already has.

I wake up in a place I'm not familiar with. I start to panic, but calm down when I look over and see a sleeping Andy. I than smile, knowing I'm safe with him.

I get hungry and decide to go find something to eat. I go into the kitchen and look into the fridge, but nothing seems to satisfy my hunger.

I go outside in search of food. I smell...meat? I than start running fast towards the smell, when I get close to the smell...I stand centimeters away from a dear. It was 8×8 buck. Very big one. I jump at it and bite into its neck and drink its blood.

After my feeding, I drag the deer back to the cabin not wanting to wait the meat and besides we can cook it later for food.

Andy's p.o.v.

I wake up and see Remington is gone. I get worried and start to panic.  I get out of bed and look around the house, but he is no where to be seen.

Just then I look out the back window and see him dragging a.... dear?

He lays it on the back porch before coming inside and washing his hands.

I decide to ask him," Remington, why did you drag a dear to my cabin?"

He goes to dry his hands off and looks at me," I was craving meat, so I went out and got a dear. "

I shake my head. It must be his vampire cravings. I guess I'm gonna have to deal with this, since he is my boyfriend.

" well I guess I will take it to my shed out back and skin it. Than tonight we can havetacos. How's that sound?" I aks him as I put my shoes on.

" sounds good to me. I'm just gonna go and rest for a bit." He tells me before walking off to our shared room.

I guess I'm doing this my self. I take  the dear by the antlers and drag it to the shed before hanging it up. I lock the shed and go back inside the cabin with one thing on my mind.

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