0.3 - im not yours

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Elizabeth and ashtray where at the shop counting money. Elizabeth we sat on the table while ash stood by counting money. Elizabeth hadn't see so much money in her life , let alone hold this much money. Yes , it was dirty drug money but she didn't care.

"so what you doing tomorrow?" Elizabeth asked ash as she stopped counting money.

"I dunno man , you?" he asked standing in between her legs.

"well I'm going to a New Years party." She replied with a smile on her lips.

"maybe , I'll ask fez if he want to come wid" ask replied moving away from Liz.



it was the night of the party and fez , rue and ash where heading to the party. Elizabeth and rue where sat at the back of the car , rue inhaled the white substance. Elizabeth watched rue as her eyes rolled back and she layed her head back. Elizabeth wasn't so drawn to drugs but something had come over her in that moment.

"stop staring ma." ash watched her through the front mirror of the car.

she looked direct at him , "my bad" and proceeded to look out the window.

ash smirked at her.

4 drinks in and liz was dancing all over the place , ash watched from afar with a couple other mates , rue was with some guy in a room doing drugs and fez was over with Elizabeth sister , Lexi. The thought of drugs came to her mind as she swayed to the sound of the music. She forgot how much she loved this feeling. Her hazel eyes feel on ash , as he smirked with a joint in his hand. Elizabeth looked away and headed to find rue.

She stumbled down the hall way to a room with people making out. "Sorry" she says coving her eyes and heading further down the corridor. she continued this until she found rue and some guy.

"hey man , I've been looking for you." She slurred and sat next to rue.

"um hello?" the boy spoke up.

"oh sorry, Elizabeth and you?" she replied with a warm smile



"Do you do drugs??" He asked with his hands on his knees

"maybe , what you got man?" she responded with a smirk.

She couldn't describe the feeling she felt but she loved whatever it was. she felt so happy after so long.

"I'm getting another drink." She stood up almost falling and giggling.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Elliot said getting up to help you walk steady.

"I agree." Rue stated.

"shut up rue , you too it yourself to yk." Liz reminded rue entire she left the room.

The music was loud but she wanted it louder , she wanted to dance the night away. she stumbled over to the drink.

"Hey Liz , it's about to be a new year." Explained a girl from her school.

"no one asked bitch." liz got in the dark haired girl.

"ugh , your breathe smells." she walked away.

"shut the fuck up." She yelled at the girl before looking for ash.

she found him chilling in the same spot as before. She stumbled over and sat on his lap , resting an around around him.

"hey" she smiled at him.

"Dude your breathe smells."

"why does everyone keep saying that , shut up ash." In an annoyed tone.

"Watch your mouth Elizabeth." ash glares at her.

"whatever." she mumbled rolling her eyes.

She looked around to see ashes friends looking at her laughing and snickering.

"what the fuck you look at?" Her voice raised. "I'm going back to Elliot and ru-"

"what the fuck did you just say?" ash look at her with to an annoyed face.

"Whatever." she replied getting upset and walking away

He grabbed her arm and pulled her close. "who is Elliot? Is that where you went of to? wow Liz , seriously. You have been gone for an hour and you was off with some fucking dude and doing fuck know what man" he yelled at her letting go of her.

"is not like we are together ash , get over yourself." she yelled at him.

"your fucking crazy man."

she looked at him with watery eyes. "you know fuck you ash."


Idk if I like this story , let me know how you guys like it and give me ideas if you like <3


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