1.1- no more us

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Pulling up to ashtrays and fez's house Elizabeth's heart began to beat fast and loud in her ears.

She began to nock.

"hey" her boyfriend spoke soft.

"what are you doing here liz?" ash spoke his eyes searching hers for an answer.

"I listened to what you said ash. I changed. I'm better , I promise this time." Elizabeth show a weak smile.

"how can I trust you ma? after dipping and then arriving at my house in the middle of the night asking for drugs??" he's eye brown formed a line.

"I know and I'm sorry , I really am ash. I though you would be happy to see me." The girl explained hoping he would take her in his arms already.

"I love you liz." He's face showing sadness. "but I don't know if this is going to work." Ashtray continued.

"yo bro who the fuck is at the door?" Fez called from a room in the small apartment.

"look come to the shop later and we will talk about it ma." ash turned back around to face , the girl his heart was begging for.

Elizabeth face dropped and walked ash close the door on her.


"hey honey back so soon?" Elizabeth's mum call out from the living room drinking her glass if wine.

"yeah mum , I juts need some time okay?" Liz ran up the stairs straight to her small room.

Would ash ever take her back? Would he change his mind??

Elizabeth's heart couldn't take it no more , she would do anything if it meant to spend 5 more minutes with him. Ashtray. Her lover.


"shit man , what you gonna do." Fez spoke slowly {like always} blowing out smoke from his mouth. "I mean you love her right?" Fez continued and looked at as slumped beside him in the sofa.

"yeah but yk what she did fez. Ugh fuck man." Ash shouted smacking something of the table in front of him.

"Chill out man , go fucking to her her and sort this shit out." fez looked away from his brother and faced the tv.

Ashtray walked through the hallway and out the door slamming it behind him.


I wonder how it's going to gooo :)

The story is almost at its end <3

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