0.7 - where is she?

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It bad been exactly 3 weeks since Elizabeth disappeared. The news spread quickly around town and almost everyone knew what happened to Elizabeth Howard.

Ashtray waited for her at her favourite spot almost everyday. Her leaving and not knowing if she was okay , send pain to his heart. The only think that helped was a joint. Fez usually didn't let ash have a joint but in this case fez didn't care.

As for Lexi and Cassie they went around town everyday hoping that someone would have saw her. But no one here did.


Elizabeth was in rehab. She knew it was better than anything else. Elizabeth was struggling , like really bad. She didn't realise how bad her drug addiction was.

She craved to see her family , she craved to see him. Her heart was going to explode with all the love she had for him.


"yo ash , where are you?" Fez said holding the phone to his ear.

"I'm at the tree house in the woods." Ash quietly replied

"again ash? Shit man , come home." fez responsed putting out his joint.

"no , I can't fez and you know that just one more hour man." ash begged for fez to let him ponder in his thoughts sitting in her favourite stops

"whatever man , be back soon alright?"

Ash sat on the wooden cold floor next to the small window waiting and waiting for Elizabeth to come home. he couldn't understand why she left and what could have happened. That night where Elizabeth came to his and fez's house replayed on his mind like a Broken record.

"what the fuck are you Liz." he mumbled looking down below through the cracked window.


Got writer block rn. 😕 so I'll try to update as much as I can but I can't think of what to do next.

Thank you for all the reads <3

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