1.2 - two souls.

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Elizabeth had met up with ash. Her heart was practically pounding out of her chest. She saw him in the back of the shop as She enters the shop to a cool air blown on her face. Elizabeth smiled at fez , fez felt the tension in the room already so he gave her a weak smile before she slipped behind the fridge to where ash was.

He sat at the table counting money , not bring his head up to see who had entered.

Elizabeth sat uncomfortably on the couch after from ash but where he could look straight forward and see her soft face.

She cleared her throat. Elizabeth had never wanted to be more sick in her life. was this the moment they where done , for good? Was this the end of something she had always dreamed of??

Ashtray stopped counting the money as he put it into a microwave next to him.

He had a grey and red tracksuit on with a chain. His eyes trailed around the room until they met 𝒽ℯ𝓇𝓈.

he took a sharp breathe before walking over to the girl he once had so much love for.

"hey" the girl proceeded to talk quietly as ashtray sat down next to her.

"hey ma." he mumbled grabbing hold of her hand in her lap.

Liz looked down at her lap to see 𝒽𝒾𝓈 hand on her once again , circling his thumb on it.

Elizabeth looks up to meet his eyes , letting out a weak smile. His lips slightly tugged up.

They sat in silence for a while juts thinking of what to do , what to say , how they felt about each other.

Ashtray was the first to breaks the silence.

"I love you yk right Ma?" his voice was quite but stern.

"mhm" is all she got out.

"and I never wanna live without you.." his voice broke.

Elizabeth snapped her head around to meet his eyes. she felt so relieved by ash's answer.

" im so sorry ash.." her voice broke as her eyes where now glossy.

He pulled her into his embrace and he kissed the stop of her head.

She felt like home.


hope this is good !!! It's almost the end of this book :(

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