0.8 - slowly drowning.

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a week later...

it was currently 4am in the morning and ashtrays phone lights up with a ping. his eyes slowly opened as he turned over to grab his phone of charge and lay back down.

his eyes squinted at the screen as an unknown number popped up.

- ash , you there?

- who the fuck is dis?

-ash , could you meet me in 10 minutes in the alley way?

- nah man , who the fuck is this.

ashtrays mind was all over the place with questions and frustration.

- ash , it's Liz

- haha , sick joke man

- don't be like that , come outside and don't let fez know okay?

Ash sat up on his bed placing his feet on the cold hard floor typing away in disbelief.

- Ma is it really you?

- yes ash
-hurry up :)
Read at 4:05am

ashtray rushed around putting on a shirt , shoes and a jacket. He approached the door , taking a glance behind as he saw fez passed out on the couch with the tv still on and his joint on the table bedside him.

a cold breeze hit his face as he stepped outside , ashtray obviously brought a gun with him , he didn't know if it was actually Elizabeth, his Elizabeth.

"ash" a smile appeared on her face as she saw him approached into t he small alley way beside their house.

"ma?" he began to say before grabbing her into his arms.

small tears slip down her cheek and onto ashes shoulder.

"I thought we lost you." He whispered.

"you could never lose me ash." she smiled into his neck.

"I need you to listen to me okay?"

"anyway for you ma." He pulled away wiping a tear away with his thumb.

"I need you to yk , get me some. I really need some ash." she pleaded.

He shook his head. "Are you joking me? your only hear for drugs liz?" He stared yelling.

"please , I really need some." Elizabeth grabbed hold of his jacket pulling him closer.

"get of ma , I'm not getting your drugs. Do you know how much I have missed you , how much I have waited for you?" His eyes turned glossy as he stepped back from her yelling.

"ash-" Elizabeth began.

"no Elizabeth. I like you the way you was before. I loved you , do that even mean anything to you?"

Elizabeth didn't say anything.

"Please ash , you said you would do anything right?" She begged.

"fuck off Elizabeth." with that ashtray began to walk int other house.

Liz followed quickly, calling ashes name.

"ash , ash , please, please, I need help , ash!" she yelled for him crying.

"get over yourself Elizabeth, I don't want you here." As much as this lined ash to say he knew she wasn't in the right mind for a relationship and need help.

"you don't mean that." She stopped

"go home ma" he walked into the house slamming the door.

He left her there , just like she left him.

Her heart was burning , her eyes where swollen, she chocked out her cries.

Her heart was slowly giving up on her , ash was always the one to keep it beating and he didn't what anything to do with her.


I know , it's not very good but I'll make a better chapter next !! <3

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