Chapter 2

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Alex could not believe that Wolf was in front of him. He hadn't seen him in so long. Alex got up and walked over to Wolf. Wolf was in his uniform, he should have recognized, which he didn't. He was thinking that he wasn't thinking right. Wolf stepped closer to Alex.

"Hey Cub. How yea been?" Wolf asked.

"Fine. How about you?" Alex asked they started walking out of the room. Ms. Jones had a smile on her face seeing Alex happy.

"Same as always. So I hear that your house keeper died." Wolf said. Alex felt pain in his heart. He said nothing. "Sorry Cub, I didn't know how you would react."

"It's fine. Can we just go to my house and get some of my things." Alex said. They hopped into a car and Wolf drove Alex to his house. They both walked in and Alex went to his room to change into his army stuff and grab the necessities and went back to where Wolf was. Wolf was waiting in the living room for Alex. Wolf stood up as Alex stepped in the living room and they left the the house to go to BB.

"Have you been living alone for long?" Wolf asked as he drove.

"Almost a year. Two more months." Alex said. The rest of the way they were quiet till they got to the gate. Two guards at the gate stopped them. Alex was not pay attention.

"ID's please." The guard asked. Wolf gave his but Alex did not have one. Next thing Alex knew was that he was being pulled out of the car. As soon as the second guard touched Alex, Alex was on the ground with a grown man putting his weight on Alex. Next thing the guard knew was that Alex was on top of him.

"Hey Eagle." Alex said. Eagle smiled. Alex got off of him and Snake and Fox came into view.Wolf got out of the car and went over to the others. "I was not ready you know." Alex helped Eagle up.

"Sure you weren't." Eagle said. Eagle started playfully punching Alex.

"Okay let's get inside of the gates." Wolf said. They all walked in and headed to Sergant's office. Once they got there they knocked on the door. They heard a come in. They did and they filed in and stand at attention.

"At ease. Nice to see you again Cub." Sergeant said. They all relaxed but Alex. I didn't move a bit.

"You too Sir." Alex said.

"Your schedule is on your bed. I think you know the way." Alex nodded and they left the room. The sergeant got back to his paper work. They walked back to K-unit's cabin. His bed was still there undisturbed. He put his stuff under the bed. Everyone was looking at him.

"What?" Alex asked.

"I just you've grown up a lot since the last time we saw you." Snake said.

"Yea. We've missed having you around." Fox said. Alex smiled.

"What's next?" Alex said. Alex grabbed a piece of paper that was on his bed and looked at it. His face turned into a frown. "Assault course really." He fell back on his bed almost hitting his head. They all laughed.

"Come on Cub." Wolf said. He got up and walked out the door. Then he saw Eagle run past him.

"Come on slow poke." Eagle said. Then Alex ran after him. The rest followed and Alex ran past Eagle. Alex waited at the course while the rest caught up.

"Who's the slow poke now?" Alex said as Eagle was the last on there.

"Alright you win Cub." Eagle said. Alex smiled while the others chuckled.

"Alright Cub, you need to bet your record which is at 17 minutes. Whenever your ready." Wolf said and Alex started right away. It was 12 minutes and 30 seconds later Alex came. He was not breathing really hard too. Everyone's mouth dropped open. Alex sat down on the ground and started to rubbing his ankle. Snake ran over to him.

"You okay Cub?" Snake asked.

"Yea Snake. I might have twisted my ankle but I'm fine." Alex said. He got back up. "Time."

"12 minutes and 30 seconds." Wolf said. Alex nodded and limped slightly.

"Next." Alex said.

"Cub, maybe you should go get that ankle checked." Fox said. Alex rolled his eyes.

"No, Fox I'm fine." Alex said walking off. Then next thing Alex knew they were holding him down while Snake checked his ankle. When Snake rolled up Alex's they saw it was red and bruised.

"What in the world happen to your ankle?" Snake said. He started to touch Alex and Alex was grinding his teeth with his eyes closed in pain.

"Would stop touching my ankle before I rip your heed off." Alex said trying not to scream at Snake. Snake stopped touching his ankle and Alex had relief go over his face.

"Your going to the infirmary right now. Your ankle looks bad. How did it happen? This is not a twisted ankle." Snake said. They all let go of Alex and he got up not without a yelp of pain. They started to walk to the tent with the red cross. Snake went in first then Alex. "Sit on the bed Alex. I will be out in a minute." Snake said as he disappeared.

"Alex. What did you do to your ankle?" Fox asked hovering over Alex. Alex looked away.

"It's nothing. I just came back from a mission a day ago. I guess I must have done something but it didn't hurt." Alex said. He started to take his boots off to see the black, blue and red on his ankle. "Oh well, that looks bad." Alex said. Snake came in with some bandages and a needle. Alex backed away a little seeing the needle.

"Cub, I am going to give you numbing agent so I can look at your ankle." Snake said, then saw the fear in Alex's eyes. "Cub I just a needle. There is nothing bad in this." Alex's eye soften just a little.

"It's just memories." Alex said. He was remembering when he got a needle in the arm by the Scorpia doctor saying it was vitamins when I could have killed him if he had not stopped there first plan. Snake wiped the area on his ankle and then put the needle in his ankle. Alex felt pain and he greeted his teeth and dug his hands into the bed. When it was done he could feel nothing in his ankle. Alex watched as Snake wrapped his ankle.

"Okay Cub. Your all set but you can't put pressure on that foot for the rest of the day." Snake said as Alex got out of bed not having his ankle touch the ground.

"Yes Sir." Alex said lazily. Snake smiled. "What was next?" Alex asked.

"I believe hand to hand combat." Wolf said. Alex nodded.

"I will be back. I have to tell the sergeant about Alex's ankle." Snake said. Then he left through the door. They took Alex back to there cabin and had him rest while they trained. Alex fell asleep and he was left alone.

Alex Rider: TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now