Chapter 5

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Alex woke up the next morning with nothing talking to him in his head. Fox was next to Alex a lot of the time even when they got breakfast, Fox always sat next to Alex. They bonded quite a lot during that time. Alex started teaching Fox Greek and Fox was just someone to talk to when Alex got nightmares and did not wake up the unit. In the morning he would tell him. They were the best of friends. Today was different. They were going to do a hand to hand lesson. They all meet in front of there cabin to me the instructor. As soon as he came they all were at attention.

"At ease, today you guys are going to learn a little more in depth about hand to hand combat. Since there is an odd number of you guys I am going to pair up with Cub. Be careful and you may start." Fox was hesitant at leaving Alex but he went off with Eagle as his partner. Before he left he talked to Alex.

"Be careful." Fox said and he was doing hand to hand with Eagle. The instructor came up to Alex and got into a stance which was not low but fine for what they were doing. Alex got into a lower stance than the instructor.

"Tell me Cub. What have you learn?" He asked as he started to throw punched at Alex which he easily blocked and dodged.

"I'm a black belt in martial arts and have been in the field." He said. The instructor got faster. They started to move around more.

"Nice. Wait... Arn't you just a kid though?" Alex smiled.

"Yes sir." He said and the instructor was on the ground with Alex above him. Alex go and saw that his unit was watching him.

"Wow. I did not expect that." The instructor said getting up.

"That's why they picked me to be a MI6 agent at 14." Alex said. They did that for a few more hours and they had free time for a little bit. Alex went for a walk for a bit. He was able to ask Fox not to come. He wanted to clear his head. He walked around for about 30 minutes and then there was a man in front of him.

"Alex Rider." He said. His face was covered by a ski mask and his cloths were all black. Then he was gone. Alex walked back to camp. Fox was waiting for him at the edge of the forest. They all had dinner and then went back to the cabin. They were a laughing at Eagle cause he was being a clown as normal. Even Alex was laughing. More like a smile but once and a while he would do a really laugh. Wolf got up from the bed.

"Okay it's time for lights out soon." Wolf said. Then something went through the window that was close to the door. The room filled with a gas which made everyone pass out. Wolf and Alex were the last ones to pass out. Wolf saw two men come and and grab Alex but he could not doing anything for he was out cold for the night.


Alex woke up sometime later chained to a wall. He looked around the room to see to other people in the room. His eye widen to see who it was in the room with him. Sabina and Tom. Both of them were still out cold. Alex got up and looked around the room to see who had captured them. He saw on the door a Scorpian shape on the door. Alex said in his head that Scorpia was back. He grinded his teeth in and anger and he even growled. He sat back down with his chain clanging against the wall. Tom and Sabina started to move. Both of them looked around the room and there eyes landed on Alex.

"Alex!" Both of them said.

"Hey. Nice seeing you guys again." Alex said. All of them got closer together. Sabina cuddled with Alex and Tom was just sitting next to him.

"Where are we Alex?" Sabina asked.

"I'm not sure. Scorpia place probably." Alex said them a man walked into the room. He was tall. He had on black jeans, black shirt and shoes. Basically he was covered in black. He was bald though. He also had a scar along his cheek bone. He also walked with a limp. Alex got up from the ground. Sabina and Tom stayed where they were.

"I am Deathstalker." He looked at Alex from head to toe. "The head of Scorpia and now, Alex Rider, you will die soon enough." He said and walked out of the room.


Wolf and the rest of the team woke up in the morning. Once he remembered what happen last night he got up quickly looking for Alex. "Cub!" He yelled.

"Wolf. What happen?" Asked Fox. Wolf picked up a can that was in the room and looked at it.

"They gas us and took Cub." Wolf said. They all got changed and ran to the sergeant to tell him what happen. The sergeant was not happy but they did not know where he was. They had to wait.


Alex, Sabina, and Tom waited in the room for a while. After about two hours later two guards went in and took Alex. He didn't struggle. They took his shirt off and chained his hands to the ceiling. His feet dangled and could not reach the floor. Deathstalker walked in and circled Alex. He had a whip in his hand.

"I could not believe my ears that you were still alive. I just had to capture you and see for myself." He smiled.

"Your a sick man." Alex said. The door opened and two guards brought in Sabina and Tom in the room.

"I'm not a sick man Alex Rider. I am Scorpia." He whipped Alex's back several times before stopping. Then he took out a gun and pointed it at Sabina and Tom. Alex's eye widen.

"No. No. Don't do this." Alex said. Deathstalker pulled the trigger and it hit Sabina in the stomach. She fell to the ground. Then he fired again this time at Tom in the same place. He fell to the ground. They release Alex and left the room. Alex went to them and was on his knees. He tried to stop the bleed on Sabina but she lost too much already.

"Alex... I love you." She said as the light started to leave her eyes. He started to cry.

"Sabina. No don't go. I love you too. Don't go." Then he saw her closed her eyes and she was not breathing. He turned to Tom.

"We had some... Good times." Tom said. Alex started to cry more.

"No Tom... You can't leave me too." Then Tom's eyes closed and he was not breathing. Alex looked at his hands that had their blood on them. He started to cry as he put his knees into his chest. Deathstalker walked into the room to see a teen looking at two dead bodies with their blood on his hands. They dragged him back to the cell he was in before and gave him a shot of something but Alex didn't care. He was covered in blood some of it was his own like on his back and then others were Sabina's and Tom's mostly on his hands. Alex stayed in the cell and he looked at the floor with broken eyes. A guard came in.

"Hey kid." He tossed Alex a towel. "Wipe the blood off." Alex looked at him almost mad. Alex got up quickly kicked the guy in the stomach which made his eyes go into the back of his head. The guard fell over and Alex ran out of the room. He did take the guards gun. He killed everyone that stood in his way. From what he could tell Deathstalker was not in the building. Alex ran out of the building. He walked out into the middle of London. People were looking at him. A women stopped in front of Alex.

"Are you okay kid?" She asked Alex. All Alex did was look at her with his broken eyes. She took out her phone and called 911. When the ambulance came they tried to get Alex into it but he refused.

"I want SAS. Don't touch me." He yelled at them. Till someone called his team. They came a few moments later. They stepped out of jeep and ran to Alex. They looked at him and winced a little.

"Cub... What happen?" Wolf said touching his shoulder. Alex flinched and moved back. They saw his eyes, broken. "Cub." He said concerned for him. They saw he was covered in blood. Wolf tried to touch his shoulder but Alex went back.

"Don't touch me." Alex said. He backed up. "Wolf please don't touch me... I I can't handle it right now. I ummm." Alex said as a tear ran down his face.

"It's okay Cub. I promise not to touch you." Wolf said. "Just tell us what happen." Alex looked at the building that he was just in. He remembered that Tom and Sabina were dead. More tears came and he fell to the ground on his knees. Wolf went closer and gave him a hug. He didn't care if he got blood on his uniform as long as he could get Alex back to BB.

"They killed my best friends." Alex said. A paramedic came and gave Alex a shot to make him go to sleep so they could get him cleaned up. They took him to the hospital. The doctor did say that a lot of the blood was not Alex's but two other people. SAS knew that it was probably Alex's friends.

Alex Rider: TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now