Chapter 3

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Alex was in a all white room that was really bright. Alex looked around the room to see that there was no door. He started to walk around the room when he felt something drop on his head. It was warm, he looked up to see a dead body hanging from the ceiling. Alex backed away from the body and went close to the wall. He looked at his hands to see them covered in blood. He tried to wipe way the blood but it stayed on his hands. He looked closer at the body to see that it was Jackie. His eyes widen. He heard a voice.

"You kill everyone you love. You kill everyone around you." Alex felt like the person was behind him but his back was to a wall. Alex started to shake his head.

"No. I didn't kill anyone." Alex said. He keep looking at Jackie. He saw the puddle get bigger.

"Yes you did. You killed Jackie, Yassen, your father and uncle. Face it you kill everyone around you. You even killed yourself." The voice said. Alex got up and looked for a way out.

"I did not kill anyone." Alex said looking for a way out.

"You did kill someone. Remember Julius. You killed him. There is no way out of this Alex." The voice said. Alex looked at his hands to see a gun in his hand. The same one he killed Julius. Then he was at the same area as where he killed him. Alex was above him pointing the gun at him. Julius looked at him. The gun went off on it's own. There was a bullet in his head laying on the ground. Alex was horrified.

"Leave me alone." Alex said.

"The only way they can leave you alone is by dying. Take the gun and kill yourself." Alex looked at the gun. He put it to his head.

"I'm going to leave the cruel world." Alex said. Before he could put the trigger he woke up. With Wolf shaking him. Alex almost collided heads with him. Alex was up right breathing hard with his pulse up. Beads of sweat was going down Alex face. They all looked at him worried. Alex looked away. He started shaking and he could feel Wolf try and hug him. He was trying to calm him down. Alex gave into the hug and started to cry a little.

"It's okay Cub. Your okay." Wolf said. After a while Alex fell back to sleep but he could not get that dream out of his head for the life of him. The others fell asleep and made a promise to never speak of what happen that night.


The next morning Alex got out of bed before everyone else and changed into different clothing. He started to walk to the mess hall when he heard his name.

"Alex." He turned around to see no one. He heard it again almost like a ghost. "You killed them." Alex keep turning trying to figure out who was talking to him. Then he remembered the voice that talked to him in his dream. It was the same one. Alex felt like he was going crazy. Then he felt a hand go on his shoulder. He turned around quickly to see Fox. Alex fell to the ground surprised.

"Sorry Alex. Did I scare you?" Fox asked Alex as he helped him up.

"No. I was just surprised that's all." Alex said. They walked to the Mess hall and had some breakfast. Alex ate some food but no a lot. They started to he to a lecture hall when he started to hear the voice again.

"You are going to kill them Alex. There going to die of a horrible death." The voice said he stopped and started to look around again. The unit keep going, not noticing Alex. "The whole BB area with be gone because of you. No one will ever remember this place but you." Alex keep looking around.

"What do you want?" Alex said. The team finally noticed that Alex was not with them so they started to run back to where Alex was.

"Your going to kill them all." The voice said. Alex's eyes darted everywhere looking to see if he could find the person talking. The unit was getting close to Alex. "There going to die."

"Leave me alone." Alex said.

"Run or there going to die." The voice said as they were closer to Alex. Alex turned and ran into the woods.

"Cub! Get back here." Wolf yelled at him. They keep running to get Alex. The voice in Alex's head got louder.

"Run!" Alex keep running. He didn't know where he was going.

"Eagle radio Sergeant that Alex's running." Wolf said. Eagle grabbed a radio that was in his hip and talking into it. They keep running.

"Wolf he's wondering where." Eagle said.

"Tell him the northeast gate." Wolf said. Eagle repeated it back into the radio. They keep running. Alex keep hearing the voice.

"There going to die. It just matters when." The voice said. Alex keep running. His eyes were wide.

"Leave them alone." Alex said. He never looked back to see if k-unit was behind him. He just keep running. He did not want them to die. They were like his family now.

"Then kill your self." The voice said. Alex stopped and took out a knife that was I his pocket. He held to towards his chest. They saw what he was doing. They ran faster. Wolf was there first, knocking the knife out of Alex's hand. Alex dived for the knife and Wolf keep trying to keep it away from him. Alex kicked Wolf in the jaw making him dazed. Alex got the knife back. He stood up. He started to put the knife near his heart.

"I'm going to leave this cruel world." Before he could put it in his heart the sergeant shot the knife out of Alex's hand. He was there in a jeep. Wolf got up and cuffed Alex before the shock whore off. They dragged him back to the main camp area and sat him down in a chair the sergeant was there as well.

"Cub why did you try and kill your self?" Sergeant asked Alex. He circle around Alex. Alex could not hear him since the voice was still loud.

"There going to die. Your going to be the reason why." The voice said. Alex then tried to get out of the cuffs. He was panicking.

"Cub?" Sergeant said. Alex's eyes went all over the room. Then Alex started to get a headache. He winced at the pain of the headache. Then the cuffs came off as Alex put his hands to his head in pain.

"There going to die. Run, Alex, before they die like Jackie." Then the voice stopped talking and Alex could think again. He had beads of sweet going down his forehead. He was breathing pretty hard. His eyes slowed down to focused on the sergeant.

"Sir?" Alex said.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." Sergeant said. Alex was confused but Alex did not say anything. They chat for a bit about what happen and Alex did not say that there was a voice in his head but just something snapped in him. They got to his next activity which was language. Fox was the one he was going to talk to.

"Okay Alex. I will talking in a language and you try and answer back in the same one or you just say you don't know that one." Alex nodded. "Hoy el clima es muy agradable." (The weather is really nice today.) Fox said.

"Sí. Me gusta la lluvia." (Yes it is. I like the rain better.) Alex said. Fox nodded. (The was Spanish if you guys are wondering.)

"Почему вы работать?" (Why did you run?) Fox said. Alex frozed. He did not want to say why? "Я знаю, что вы знаете Русский куб." (I know you know Russian Cub.)

"Я скорее не говорить об этом." (I rather not talk about it.) Alex said. (They were talking in Russian)

"Vertel me Cub. U kunt me vertrouwen." (Tell me Cub. You can trust me.) Fox said. Alex was getting mad at Fox. He did not want to tell them. (Dutch)

"Het was me vertellen dat ik iedereen doden." (It was telling me that I kill everyone.) Alex said. Then he turned around before saying something to them in Greek. "Θα ήθελα να σκοτώσει τον εαυτό μου." (I wanted to kill my self.) Alex said and left to go walk around.

"What did he say Fox?" Wolf asked him.

"He said something was telling him that we were going to die. The last thing he said I had no clue. I don't know Greek." Fox said. They all watched Alex walk into the woods. After a minute they followed him making sure Alex didn't hear them. They heard him crying.

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