Chapter 9

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Alex was still dreaming about being at the base. He and the others ran the course. They were having fun for once. They raced each other. Alex was winning there race. Wolf was behind Alex then Snake Fox and lastly was Eagle. Alex keep going through the course and once they were finished he waited for the others at the end.

"Nice job Alex. Your going to be a great SAS solider." Wolf said. Alex smiled and Snake came running along.

"Thanks. I don't know if I'm going to be SAS solider though. I still have MI6 to worry about." Alex said. Fox came running.

"No worries Alex. We got your back with them. We stick together." Fox said. A few minutes later Eagle came along.

"Shall we do that again?" Alex asked but he heard a gun cocked behind him. He turned around to see 4 men with guns behind Alex. They had ski masks on.

"No one moves or we will shot." One of them said. None of them moved. "Grab the boy." Tow men walked closer but Alex tried to get away only to see that all of his team was shot in the stomach bleed a lot. The ground around them turned red. They all died quickly. Alex turned around to see that the men were gone and K-unit were dead right in front of Alex. Then he saw Sabina and Tom beside them with them dead on the ground. Alex fell to his knees looking at this horror of a image.

"Why? Why did they have to protect me?" Alex said. He was there the rest of the time. Almost like no time went by.


Fox was still in the same room. Wolf walked in and tossed Fox a bag that had his name on it. In Wolf's other hand was Alex's bag.

"Got get changed." Wolf said. Fox got up and head for the bathroom.

"Thanks Wolf." Fox said and went into the bathroom to change. Wolf sat down in a chair. He noticed that Alex's heart rate was going up a bit but it went back down a few minutes later. Fox walked out in a fresh pair of cloths. He sat down on the other side of Alex and took a sip of coffee.

"How are you doing Fox?" Wolf asked him.

"Fine Wolf. I just am tired and just want him to wake up." Fox said.

"We all are. I'm going to go talk to the others and I'll be right back." Wolf got up and left the room and walked into the waiting room where Snake and Eagle were waiting.

"How's Cub?" Snake asked.

"Still sleeping." Wolf said. They all sat down and started talking about tomorrow. They talked about if Alex still was asleep that they will wait a few days till he walks up and then they celebrate. Also they said that if they get back to the base with him tomorrow they still can do what they were planning for him. Wolf watched two men walk in with masks and guns.

"Everyone face down on the floor now." One of the four men said. All of them did as they said including the k-unit but Fox was not with them. "Where is Alex Rider?" The same man asked the women at the desk. She said his room number and to of them left to go get him.


Fox was still waiting for Alex when he heard a man yelling. Fox got up and went closer to Alex. A doctor ran in the room followed by two men with guns in their hands.

"No one moves or I will shot the boy." One of the men asked. Fox put his hands up. "Tie him up. We could use him." The same man said. The other guy came over and tied Fox's hands up.

"What do you want?" Fox said with poison in his words. The doctor got closer to Alex. Fox could tell he was scared.

"We want the boy. Doctor, would you unhook the boy and give him his antidote for the poison running through his system." The man handed the doctor a string and did as the man said. He took out Alex's tube and turned off everything that was hooked to Alex. The man saying orders picked up Alex with care and walked out of the room with Fox being kidnapped as well. Fox walked by his team and the others saw what was in one of their arms. It was Alex. A different man started to talk as the guy carrying Alex left the hospital with Fox behind him.

"If anyone calls the cops with in a few minutes the hostages die." A man yelled out. They all left and the remaining k-unit stood up and helped people after ten minutes they called MI6 and told them what happen.


They tossed Fox into the back of a van and the man carrying Alex put him down gently on the back of the van. When they closed the doors two men joined them in the back while the other two went to the front to drive. They all took off their masks. Fox did not recognize any of them. The man that had carried Alex was beside him check his pulse. He started talking in Russian which Fox understood.

"Alex, Звонок. Я вернулся из мертвых." (Alex, wake up. I'm back from the dead.) The man said still checking his pulse. He must have known Alex. Fox looked closer at the man and saw that he had reddish blond hair. He had a scar on his neck. Fox did not know the man but one things for sure is that Alex might know him.

"Ты кто?" (Who are you?) Fox asked. The man looked up at Fox surprised.

"You know Russian?" The man asked having a slight Russian accent.

"Yes I do and I know so does Alex. Now who are you?" Fox said as nice as he could which was not much.

"I'm an old friend of Alex here. My name is Yassen Gregorovich." He said and continued to check Alex's pulse and if he was breathing.

Alex Rider: TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now