Chapter 7

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Y/n P.O.V

It was less than a day's trip to get where I needed to go. I stare at the buildings. Some of them looked old, and some new. It looked as if a carnival or festival was going to take place. I turn around and take my horse into a small clearing. I get off the horse and tie it to a tree.

"I'll be back. Just- don't move." The horse lies down, and rests. I sigh and move back where I saw everything.

I make my way down, admiring everything. It all looks so new and thrilling. Kind of like at home... oh how I miss being home. The banners and even the smell of the grass calmed me. I roam around, looking for people.

"Hey you!" I stop walking, looking around.
"Yeah you! What the hell are you doing here?!?!" A short little mexican comes running up to me.
"This area is offff.... limits..???" He drags out his sentence in confusion. I stare down at him, the veil not revealing my eyes.

"Quackity! Why did you run off- Who the fuck is this?" An alcoholic goat hybrid with a beard, two large horns, and a black suit with a red tie comes into the conversation. He was accompanied with a little blonde teenager, also wearing a suit but its blue with a blue tie.

"Greetings and Salutations. I-... I come to look for information."
"Huh?" The alcoholic goat hybrid stared at me with blank eyes.
"Why are you dressed like that?"
'Don't tell them that you are a prophecy. Tell them you are religious. They'll leave you alone.'
"I'm religious. It is the clothing that we wear. The believers of God wear."

This conversation soon lead to me at a bar with Jschlatt. He was drinking, and I drank water.

"So, you've come for the Book of Revival?"
"Yes. It was stolen."
"It's not my fault that is was stolen, but I know where it is."
"And? Where can I find it?"

He chuckled.

"I ain't telling you that without something in return~" He spoke lowly. I sat there in silence, thinking. He got close, probably being drunk. Wow. A day drinker.

Do I have permission to help him in war?
'No. He could be bluffing.'
Come on. Just one chance. One vial.
'... fine.'

I sat up, Quackity and Tubbo if I remember their names stepped closer to their president.

"I have a proposal. You tell me where the book is, I will give you one vial."
"A vial of what?"
"Cut your hand."
"Don't worry. I will fix it."

Quackity (?) takes out his hand and cuts it instead of Jschlatt. It starts to bleed. I take out my dagger, they all step back as I cut my finger lightly. I place the dagger down and take his hand, taking my cut finger over the cut, and I let my blood fall into his. It immediately leaves. The cut gone on his hand, and mine as well. They all look at me in amazement.

"One vial of blood. Just one, and you tell me where it is." I state.

They all look at Jschlatt, awaiting an answer. He cleared his throat, trying to not looked impressed.

"It only works on light wounds I presume?"
"Incorrect. All physical wounds." His jaw drops then he tries to bring it back up again.
"Well, I would like to see that first."
"Someone must injure themselves gravely then."
"No. You do it yourself." He tried to interrupt.
"I simply cannot. I heal too fast. If you really insist on seeing it with grave wounds, then I won't give you the vial."
"But won't you stay with us till a war happens?"
"No. That won't be anytime soon. Good day."

I get up and walk away, going to the door of the bar.

"Wait! You can't leave!" Jschlatt chased after me and I smiled.

'This is what you planned all along, darling?'
Yes you dumb fuck.
'You are so smart. No wonder why I fell for you. I love a man that has brains so that I can actually talk to you.'

XD said smuggly. I mentally roll my eyes as Schlatt tries conning me back into the bar. I walk outside and he got slammed by the door.

When I walked out, a man with chocolate brown hair and round glasses was standing there ready to walk inside. He stopped and looked at me with curiosity in his eyes. I stop from my walking when I was a stride away from him.

"Greetings, umm... is the bar open? Cause I really need to have a fucking drink if you know what I mean." He asked.
"It should be now-"
"Wait, please come back! Just one more minute and I can reason!" Jschlatt was begging and on his knees, tugging my pant leg when he opened the door.

This caused more curious thoughts in the brunette man.

"As I was saying, I think the bar is open now sir that I am finished talking with the president." I say with a straight face, not even glancing down at the pathetic man.

Schlatt was holding onto me, trying to get me to stay.

"I-I can have you stay in a home for free, or or I can share land with you so you can build a church here! Please! Just stay a little longer and we can agree on something! I can share the location of you let me talk!"
"Mr. President, could you get off my pants? It would be nice to walk freely without someone clutching my leg." I asked kindly. Hurt was in his eyes.

"Please, just stay! We can talk another day, how is that?"
"No. I thank you for the offer, but I will do more looking then I will come back. I am considering your offer, its just that I am a busy man. Good day Mr. President." With that, I tugged my leg free and walked away on the wooden path.
coming back guys. slowly but surely.

if you dont know, go look on my oneshot book. it will tell you everything.


《Prophet's Role》  DreamXD x m!reader  MOVING TO SOMEWHERE ELSEWhere stories live. Discover now