🌝Futa Cop Pt. 1🌝

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Anne's Pov

Anne:I'll be going out for patrolling duty.

I said as I got up from my chair, passing through my colleague's cabin. She replied with an "OK". I made my way to my car. I revved the engine as I drove through the city, inspecting the area cautiously. An hour had passed since I was out patrolling but nothing seemed to have been terrorising the safety of the town at the moment.

After I was satisfied with everything, I made my way towards a nearby ice cream parlor. It's really hot today and I really need something sweet and cool to get through this terrible heat.

As I was walking back towards my car I saw something shuffle from the corner of my eye. I turned towards an alley that was surrounded by darkness, if not for the shuffling I would've remained unaware of its existence. I took out my torch and pointed it towards the alley as I decided to investigate the area. I walked further into the alley as I realized that it went really deep. Not caring much about it I continued to walk further as I met with a turn.

I could hear light noises from behind the wall. It sounded like a "Hissss" sound from some sort of spray. I held onto my gun as I slightly peeked from behind the wall. Unlike the whole alley this area was dimly lit, just enough to allow me to identify the physical features of the person standing a few steps away from me. It was a short and petite boy. I couldn't see his face much clearly though.

I looked down and saw that he was holding a can of what appeared to be spray paint in his hands. He pointed the nozzle at the wall before pressing it as the mini droplets of paint escaped through it. After that he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and stepped back from the wall. He picked up the torch that was previously set at an angle so that it could focus on the part of the wall that he was earlier spraying at.

He pointed the torch at the wall as it illuminated the piece of art he had painted. It was a gorgeous portrait of a feminine looking Dio from my favorite show JOJO (🌝). "Hmmm...interesting", I thought. I must say, he did justice to Dio's thighs by painting them so thick. The boy sighed in satisfaction as he gazed upon his work of art.

Anne:That's some damn good art!

I exclaimed as I emerged from behind the wall while holding the torch in my hand.

Anne:Sorry, I didn't mean to peak but it's just, I can't hold myself back when it's JoJo.

I said as I nervously rubbed the back of my neck. The boy immediately froze in his spot. Panic rose in him as soon as he heard her voice since he assumed that it was some thug looking for trouble or a psychopath planning to take him as their next victim but he sighed in relief as he pointed his torch at Anne and noticed her uniform.

???:Th-Thank you. I'm a really big fan of JoJo too so I understand you.

It was Anne's turn to freeze as she heard his honey dripping voice. She got curious about what he looked like after listening to his perfect voice and a gasp escaped her lips as she took in his features in proper light. He had the biggest eyes she had ever seen which made him look really innocent. He had a round nose and thin lips with a piercing resting in the middle of his bottom lip. Half of his hair were tied neatly while the rest brushed against his shoulders.

As Anne's eyes scanned further she noticed his outfit. He was wearing a cute pink crop top which gave her the golden opportunity to witness his flat tummy as his belly button piercing reflected the light from her torch. He was also wearing a black skirt with fishnets along with knee high goth boots. Anne almost drooled at his smooth and thick thighs that peeked through the fishnets he was wearing.

After realising that Anne was checking him out, a slight smirk appeared on the boy's face. Anne's eyes travelled back to the boy's face and that's when she came back to her senses as she looked away, feeling her ears burn with embarrassment. She looked back at him as she heard him shuffle. He wiped his hands with a cloth and proceeded to put all the cans lying on the ground inside his bag.

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