🌝Futa Cop Pt. 2🌝

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Anne's POV

Ezra proceeded to massage Anne's bulge as she let out sighs of pleasure.

Anne:B-but are you not creeped out by the fact that I have a-
Ezra:Not at all. This is what I've been waiting for my whole fucking life!

It was true. Ever since he was a teenager Ezra grew an obsession towards futas. He really liked the idea of a female possessing a dick. Some might say that if he is that obsessed with dicks then why didn't he date men? It was because he believed that men were slightly unhygienic and the idea of sleeping with someone like that grossed him out. Secondly, he wasn't interested in men at all. His fantasies were definitely never going to become reality because it is practically impossible for a woman to have a penis so all he could do was either use a dildo to fuck himself or let dominant women peg him, but he could only dream of the real thing. It always made him sad that he couldn't have the kind of sex he wanted to have but he had accepted his fate until Anne came along and gave him what he has been desiring his whole life. He had no intention of letting this opportunity slip through his fingers. He didn't care if he got in trouble at this point.

Anne:R-Really? You are not disgusted by me?
Ezra:No. God no. This is the best thing that ever happened to me.
Anne:Do you mean it?
Ezra:Yes I do. I'm not grossed out by you but the opposite. I think that this is really hot. I think you're really hot.

Anne could feel her face heating up at his words. No one had ever said that to her. It made her feel happy on the inside and for the first time ever she was proud of her body. Ezra began grinding on her bulge again and that's when she noticed the absence of his bulge. Out of curiosity she let her hand slip under his skirt and to his panties. As she felt around, she came across a wet spot in his panties. She looked at him surprised. There was no bulge. Ezra smirked at her as he lifted his skirt and moved his panties to the side, revealing his leaking pussy.

Ezra:I had a little surprise for you too.
Anne:Fuck Ez that's so hot!

Ezra's smirk grew wider. He felt giddy on the inside at Anne's words.

Ezra:Glad you like it.

With that Ezra threw his cuffed hand around her neck and kissed Anne once again. This time Anne returned his kiss with all the passion she could gather. Anne's fingers began sneaking towards Ezra's leaking pussy. He moaned as her fingers made contact with his heat. Anne brushed her thumb against his clit, earning another moan from Ezra. She moved towards his entrance as she gathered his slick before bringing up her fingers. She examined them before bringing them to her tongue and giving them a long lick while staring Ezra dead in the eye.

Ezra:Fuck! I can't wait any longer. I need you right now!

Anne grabbed the keys from her pocket as she undid his cuffs. Anne's hand made it's way to pull the lever under the seat in order to adjust it in an ideal position. Ezra rushed to undo Anne's zipper as he palmed her through her boxers. He tugged at the waistband before pulling her boxers down as her dick sprung out. Ezra was once again surprised as the size of her dick was unexpected. It was the biggest he had ever seen. He felt like crying. Never in his life he thought he would get fucked by a futa but what he had now was even better, a futa with a HUGE DICK. He moaned at the thought of her girthy cock stretching him out.

As he was busy admiring the sight in front of him, Anne sneaked her fingers back to his wet pussy. She used his wetness as lube as she inserted one of her fingers inside him. Once she was sure that Ezra was comfortable, she began moving her finger gently and slowly. She kissed Ezra's neck as he let out a little gasp. She nibbled and sucked at his skin before tugging at his choker. She had added a second finger inside him by now, as well as increased her pace. Her thumb was tracing in a circular motion against his clit. She grabbed Ezra's face with her free hand and smashed her lips against his. Her tongue played with his piercing, asking for permission. Ezra opened his mouth, allowing her tongue to slide inside. She played with and sucked on his tongue with joy. Ezra was in a state of pure bliss, he moaned into her mouth.

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