🔱👹Demon Mate Pt.2🔱👹

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Ian's POV

Ian was pacing around in his room with a book in his hands as he tried to figure out a way to send that thing in the jar resting beside his bed, back to hell. The black cloud of smoke calmly rested at the bottom of the jar, as if sleeping. 

Ian:Nope, this is not it...No...Nah this won't do....FUCK!!!

Ian cussed angrily as he threw the book across the room. The cloud jolted up in surprise which made it bang against the lid of the jar. It turned towards Ian and floated around in an angry motion, annoyed at Ian for waking it up. Ian paid no attention to the cloud as he sat on his bed and held his head between his hands before letting out a defeated sigh.

Ian:I've looked everywhere, but I still can't find any answers. How do I send it back to hell?

He said in a melancholy voice. The cloud stopped its annoyed movements and gently flattened against the wall of the jar that was facing Ian, as if it was reflecting Ian's sadness and it just wanted to reach out to him. Ian on the other hand, still didn't look at the jar as he continued.

Ian:I have this gift of mine and I'm supposed to help people with it. I'm supposed to purge all evil from this world and save people from getting hurt because of Demons. But it seems I've failed now because I can't seem to find a way to get rid of this demon. I'm so fucking useless!

The smoke jumped up again and tried to move side to side, as if disagreeing with Ian. Ian sat there in silence for a while as he thought about all he's been through his whole life.


Ever since Ian was a child he was sensitive to the supernatural world. He could see things that others could not and feel the presence of something nobody knew was there. As a child he was defenseless against all those evil forces so he had to pretend to not see them even when they were just inches away from him. It was a nightmare that he had to go through everyday and it was quite hard on the poor child. Ian always hesitated to step out of his house and preferred to stay at home all the time as a child because he never knew what horrible Demon he might encounter outside. His parents were quite worried about Ian so they turned to the Church.

The Church welcomed Ian with open arms. That is where Ian was taught all about the history of the Demons, Angels and all the other supernatural stuff. He was also taught all the techniques to exorcise Demons. That is when Ian discovered his hidden powers. For some reason, it was easier for Ian to exorcise Demons and compel them to leave the bodies of the possessed. He was also able to command Demons and force answers out of them and they would easily obey him.

Everybody at the Church saw him as a pillar of hope that strengthened the presence of God on earth. Once Ian was a master at conducting exorcisms and fully capable of defending himself from the Demons, he left the Church to pursue a normal life that he never had the courage to live as a child. Now he wasn't afraid of anything. However, because of his gift and connection with the supernatural world, he was different from all those around him. That is why his peers and colleagues would never involve themselves with him too much. 

At first, it was hard as there was no one Ian could share his feelings and thoughts with. It was terrible not having a friend...or a lover. God he wished so bad to have one. As a teenager, whenever he would see couples he would get so jealous and go cry somewhere in a corner. However, as he matured he believed that it was best that people distanced themselves from him because he was always playing with danger. It would kill him if someone important to him would ever get hurt because some Demon tried to avenge itself by hurting someone Ian cared for. Attempting an exorcism on a loved one would be too hard for him. Therefore, he believed it was best for him to just seclude himself from everybody. However, his heart could not help but be against this thought and no matter what, he could not deny that he still wished to have bonds with people like any normal person would. This has always made his life painful. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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