The Burning Bridge

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From a high balcony in the governor's residence, Prince Rehan surveyed the city of Rey, where new fires had been lit just days before his arrival. Wisps of smoke rose from the charred brick and wood of damaged homes, streaking the clear sky with grey.

The rebels had grown bold, and would grow bolder still if they did not intervene soon.

He turned away from the desolate scene and stepped inside, bringing his attention to the meeting at hand. The governor's hall of private audience carried the aura of an oasis, with cool turquoise blue tiles, sea-green velvet cushions, and white gossamer curtains. A wide ashwood table dominated the centre of the room, its polished surface gleaming in the late morning sun. Rehan moved to the side of the room, where large scrolls lay in an oblong wooden box. He picked out one of them and unrolled it onto the table, revealing a detailed map of the city.

A thud of iron interrupted the silence as the doors to the chamber heaved open. Sharan al-Barmaki entered first, his expression conveying pristine calm, while the man behind him dabbed at beads of sweat on his brow.

Rehan gestured to the seats opposite him. "What news, Emir Firaz?"

"Nothing good, Sayyidi," Firaz bowed his head, "My spies have not returned in days, we still do not know where the insurgents are hiding."

"We must assume they've been captured," said Sharan, "or worse."

Rehan seemed unfazed by his advisor's deduction, instead bringing his attention to the sprawling map spread over the table. He placed a finger on the governor's residence in the western quarter and traced a line down the main roads to the site of the most recent skirmish.

The city of Rey was divided into four quarters that met in a central square. The northern quarter was a trade hub, receiving imports via the Caspian sea. The western quarter held ministerial offices and residences, as well as those of wealthy merchants and Emirs. The majority of citizens resided in the southern and eastern quarters, where local commerce and small tradesmen thrived.

Rehan pursed his lips in thought. The buildings damaged in the attack were a leather shop, a horse stable, and an apothecary.

"Did any horses die in the fire?" He asked abruptly.

Sharan frowned, and Firaz looked equally perplexed. "Two, Sayyidi. Five were terribly injured, we had to..." He let the words hang in the air. "The others were relocated to the northern quarter's stables."

"Where else have they caused a ruckus?"

The governor skimmed the map and pointed out two locations in the north, and one in the east.

Rehan studied the map in silence for several moments.

"What are you thinking?" asked Sharan finally.

The Prince sucked in a long breath before answering, "The intent of a rebellion, at least a good one, is to destabilise the area sufficiently so it can be captured, no?"

Sharan's eyes widened in realisation as he surveyed the places that had been attacked.

"They struck the stables in the south and the messenger coops in the east, cutting off transport and communication in those areas," Rehan voiced the Barmaki's thoughts as they formed, "The food stores in the north have been destroyed, which means you will have to begin rationing soon, Firaz."

"These aren't some amateur upstarts as I had first assumed," said Sharan, tapping his finger on the edge of the table.

"No they aren't, and I have a feeling they didn't come up with this strategy themselves."

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