Breath and Poison

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The water rippled gently as Yahya stepped into the pool. His kaftan floated behind him, reflecting an ebony crescent. Khaya turned around, unsure of what was about to happen. It was easier if she didn't know, that way she wouldn't be able to fight his magic. He drew close enough that she had to turn her chin up to look at him, and despite the frigid water at their feet, the air between them bubbled with warmth.

Her eyes followed his hand as it rose to her face, and he hesitated before letting his fingers brush against the edge of her veil.

"Breathe," he said, "whatever happens, breathe."

He pressed his thumb into her forehead, and let his magic flow into her. Khaya's eyes were wide with terror as she gasped for air, but in the blink of an eye it was over, and she collapsed into unconsciousness. Yahya caught her, nearly stumbling from the dead weight, and lowered her gently into the water.

"Go," he said to Tahir, "I'll stay with her."

The ensuing silence was suffocating, but for Khaya's shallow, laborious breaths.

All he could do now was wait.


Darkness, everywhere.

It hurt to move, it hurt to breathe. Water, everywhere.

Whatever happens, breathe.

There was a faint glimmer of light above, the last remnants of a purple red dusk.

Pain and fear, fear of not knowing where she was, fear of drowning, dying. It fuelled her.


Limbs heavy as stone, Khaya thrashed and flailed her legs like a dying fish, clawing upwards to the surface like a hungry, feral dog.

The light grew brighter, twinkling and rippling like a mirage. Almost...

The water burst open when she surfaced, head whipping back, lungs gasping for air. Her veil was soaked through and half unravelled, so she pulled it off.

She was still in the courtyard, but the sky was dim and the Barmakis were gone. She paddled inelegantly to the edge of the water and pulled herself out.

How did it get so deep?

It was quiet. Too quiet for this place to still be in the palace. She was supposed to be fighting the spirit, but where was it?

"Emir Yahya? Commander Tahir?" she raised her voice, eyes darting left and right for signs of life or movement.

Khaya squeezed the water out of her hair and stripped out of her drenched qamis. She scanned the courtyard once more, this time looking for a weapon to defend herself with. Suddenly, she discerned the outline of a sword floating up through the pool. Without a second thought she reached for it.

Something whizzed past her ear, and she spun around to see Yahya standing there, bowstring pulled taut.


He released the arrow, nearly grazing her cheek.

"What are you doing?!" She resisted the urge to curse as she watched him string the next arrow and aim it at her head. The fact that she was standing there half naked was the least of her concerns.

I am not going to die.

She sprinted for the pillars, but he was too fast, and the arrowhead tore through the air like lightning splitting the sky. Khaya screamed and brought her arms up to shield her face.

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