Cold Steel

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It was hardly dawn when the sound of footfalls and clinking armour echoed in the halls of the harem. Normally the girls would rouse from their sleep in excitement or fear, anticipating the presence of a man, but they knew the rhythm of these steps, quick and strong with something to prove.

Princess Rayta strutted down the corridor, hand resting on the sheathed scimitar at her hip. A young eunuch followed close behind, walking almost twice as fast to keep up.

They turned a corner to see another eunuch hurrying towards them. When he recognized Rayta he skidded to a stop and bowed.

"Where are you rushing to so early in the day?" she asked.

He bit his lip, but answered, "To attend to the new lady, Princess."

She cocked an eyebrow, surprised by his answer, but then smiled as if she had remembered something.

"Is she doing anything special today?"

"Um, I planned to show her the glass garden..." the eunuch replied.

"Lead us to her chamber," she said, "I have something more entertaining in mind."

The eunuch's jaw almost dropped, but he reared his surprise in and complied without a word. Once they reached Khayzuran's room he meant to let himself in first to announce the Princess' arrival, but Rayta simply stepped past him. The royal concubine sat in a chair with her back facing the door, head stuffed in a book.

"Khayzuran sahiba," the eunuch stuttered, "It's–"

"Princess Rayta," Khayzuran said, and stood to face her, "Please sit."

The eunuchs excused themselves without being asked, while Maya had slinked away to her room behind the drawn curtain.

"I see you have settled in well," Rayta said, scrutinising the room for a moment then looking back at her, "I heard that Nina came to torment you yesterday, but you were nowhere to be found."


"The fat girl at the hammam yesterday. She was seething, my attendants say."

Khaya's brows knitted in worry. "Will she try to come again?"

"She might, but once she sees you are in my favour she will stay away."

Khaya's surprise was plain on her face. You are in my favour.

"Thank you–"

Rayta abruptly stood, and her armour clinked. "Put on a veil and follow me," she said, and started towards the door, "I am sparring with Rehan today. It will serve you well to observe him."

Khaya opened her mouth, then closed it. She called out to Meia, who procured a dark green veil to match her qamis.

"Leave the bangle," Rayta said when Khaya emerged from the room. Zayan took it and slipped it into his robe for safekeeping, and the group of five departed the harem in silence.


The hall they entered opened into a courtyard on one side through a row of arches. Light streamed in, illuminating the pale bronze walls. At the far end Khaya made out the figure of Prince Rehan, wearing a black shirt, sturdy boots, and metal braces on his forearms. Behind him a group of people sat on cushions, mostly women and their attendants. The eunuchs stood in a row behind them.

Rayta stopped Khaya halfway and instructed her to sit by the adjacent wall so they faced the arches. "You will have the best view," she added, before heading off to greet the Prince.

He was pulling his hair into a knot as someone strapped a leather baldric to his chest. A pair of eunuchs rolled in a rack filled with weapons of all sorts; swords of varying length and shape, bows and arrows, and wooden swords. Excitement bubbled through the group of women as Rehan stepped forward to select his blade.

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