The Fray

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Khayzuran awoke to the blaring adhan from the blue mosque minarets, four melodious male voices keening to be heard far and wide. Her eyes were bleary, and her head pulsed with pain as she pushed herself up on the... bed. She had never seen this place before, how had she got here? Her throat was dry when she swallowed, and she reached for the half-full jug of water on the stand, not stopping to think if it could be poisoned. The room was quiet and dim from the drawn curtains, furnished with a few chairs and a plush blue velvet diwan.Khaya massaged the side of her neck as she stood up and went to the carpet to pray. Once complete, she headed to the door. She had to find Yahya, figure out what happened.

The last thing she remembered was looking into Rehan's cold, cold eyes. Eyes that weren't looking at her but through her, past her. Her body had moved of its own accord when she witnessed that expression, she couldn't stand it, she couldn't believe that it was real. After that, there was nothing but perhaps a vague memory of pain. Had Rehan brought her here? Had he been attacked too? She couldn't bare either thought.

The door was locked. She was immediately on high alert, projecting her senses outward to uncover what lay outside. From the familiar sounds reaching her, she was in the governor's residence. There was an open balcony on the far side of the room, and she ran to it, only to find she was several stories up. There was no climbing down from here.

Someone was lurking outside the door, they must have heard the latch clicking with her attempts to open it. By his breathing, it was no one familiar to her. Her face scrunched in annoyance and regret—why had she not been more careful? How could she have let Rehan follow her, especially when she was strong enough to have known? She briefly considered breaking down the door, but just as the thought left her mind the door swung open. A tall man with dark skin stood there, staring down at her menacingly.

"Good morning," he said, and imposed her back inside. There was a pair of petite women just behind him carrying a tray of food and some clothes. Belatedly, Khaya realised she was not wearing a headscarf, she snatched the strip of cloth on top of the pile and wrapped it hastily over her hair. The man walked around the room, ignoring everyone present as the maids laid out the food and clothing and took their leave. Khaya had half a mind to just follow them out, but she was afraid of this man. Despite his lanky build, she could hear the way his muscles contracted with each graceful movement. He was strong, and fast.

"Who are you?" She finally broke the silence.

"A better question would be, who are you?" he replied without looking at her, his accent turned his words slow and undulating. "It is a wonder he let you live."

Khaya's heart leapt to her throat. So, it was true, he had brought her here. Had probably knocked her unconscious with his own hands. Such was the magnitude of betrayal.

"Who sent you to Rey and for what purpose?" Still, the man did not look at her. Was it for malice, or respect?

"I won't answer till you tell me who you are." Her stomach suddenly twisted, and she inched her way to the food without taking her eyes off his back.

"I am the Prince's shadow."

A spy, then, hired by Rehan to interrogate her. She hated that she could not see him, explain to him herself what she had done without the shock and the pain of being discovered the way she had. Again, she cursed herself.

At her silence, the man continued, "The Prince instructed me on the threat of my life not to harm you, but he also asked me to question you. He doesn't trust you, you see. Whether you decide to answer my questions is your choice, but what I relay to him may be the difference between your life and your death."

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