The Fall

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The Barmakis entered without announcement or ceremony. They were expecting to see Rehan still asleep, or at least laying down, and Amina tending to his pain. But when they entered, Rehan was standing fully clothed to greet them, and instead of Amina, Khayzuran was standing beside him.

"Commander Tahir," he said, spreading his arms. He still felt pain, but Amina's tincture had managed to allay the worst of it. "Thank you for making me whole again."

He bowed. "You were never not whole, Sayyidi," he said, ever the humble servant.

Sharan had quickly recovered from his shock and allowed himself a sigh of relief at seeing Rehan standing upright, leave alone with his usual vigour. He gave Khaya a cursory glance before moving his attention back to the Prince. He had already learned of her botched escape plan and her subsequent imprisonment from Yahya, and so it was no shock to see her here.

"Don't strain yourself," said Yahya. "Tahir told us he couldn't heal everything."

Rehan flexed his fingers in front of him, feeling the muscles in his forearm contract hard. "I certainly feel much better than I was."

Tahir squinted. "Where did Amina go?"

"She had to return home, but she left her instructions with me," said Khaya.

The answer seemed satisfactory to the Barmakis.

"What news do you have for me?"

"Some of the citizens reported that they'd seen someone of Abu Musa's likeness in the western quarter," said Sharan.

"How lucky for us he's decided to come closer to home." Rehan's eyes glinted in satisfaction.

"He may be planning something with the surviving insurgents," said Yahya. "We wanted to convene with the Emirs but decided to see if you were well enough to join us."

And of course, he now was.

They led the way to the hall of private audience, with Khaya remaining behind. She would be able to hear everything regardless, though she was wont to leave Rehan's side after the weight of the moments they had just shared. His final look to her was aching, conveying every feeling unsaid, but finally he lowered his gaze and went on his way.

The hall of private audience was abuzz with conversation when the doors were thrown open and he entered with the Barmakis. The Emir's were stunned, many of their mouths hanging open to see their Prince standing upright.

"Sayyidi!" Firaz shrieked and scuttled to them. "How grateful we are to see you well and recovered."

"God has willed it," said Rehan, his eyes quickly darting to Tahir. "I hear you have found the remaining spot of blight poisoning our city."

They gathered around the ashwood table to see a map of Rey spread out over it. Rehan already knew every road and street but he gave it a brief look anyway.

"Some peddlers say they saw him lurking around one of the tea houses," Firaz gave the Barmakis a knowing look. Likely he meant the tea house which led into the tunnel system. "I did not want to alarm the citizens so I have stayed a full invasion for now. Our soldiers needed some time to recover from the Ember Night as well, but now, with just a few weeks until the Gold Suq, I feel the time has come to act."

"Good," said Rehan. "Tahir would you be willing to lead a group there?"

The commander nodded. "It will be as you command Sayyidi."

Rehan stopped himself from rolling his eyes at the man's dramatics. "I think we can have someone go in from the southern tunnels and cut off any escape from below as we did before."

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