0 | a wizard's wanderings

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A DARK figure, in hooded black, stole away into the night, the bundle pressed to his chest more precious than gold.

The wizard had been trusted with the most precious thing in the country, and he had one mere night to deliver on his promises.

His oath to the king of England.

Merlin was known throughout the kingdom as a wise and powerful wizard, worthy of being the king's one true advisor. Worthy of taking the king's only heir cross-country so that they could remain safe and away from the coming invasion that Nimue had predicted.

Merlin should have never told Uther to visit the Lady, for now he had become a paranoid king. One who ruled only with fear of what could possibly happen in the next second.

The bundle stirred, crying out, and Merlin shushed it immediately. They could not be discovered here, at night. 

So, instead of risking being caught on the ground and identified, Merlin took to the sky, casting a light cloaking charm to keep himself and the prize invisible.

Merlin loved flying; loved the way he could be on top of the world and have no responsibilities. The wizard especially loved flying at night, among the stars.

Tonight, Merlin thought, was a very pleasurable night to fly. As he gazed up at the twinkling lights in the sky, the wizard could not help how his bearded jaw dropped. The beauty of the stars could only be matched by the brilliant hue of red covering the face of the moon against the silky black of the sky.

It was a perfect night, and yet the happenings in the future were to be sorrowful.

Finally, when the wizard was satisfied with the distance between them and the palace, Merlin floated towards the ground, careful not to jostle the bundle.

The blankets moved, and Merlin admired the innocence in the baby's tiny blue eyes. She was certainly too pure for this world of war.

The wizard walked up the walkway to the house, cooing at the baby. Finally, when he reached the large oak door with its brass lion knocker, Merlin stopped.

He stopped and thought about what giving the heir of England to this knight would do. The chaos that would surely follow.

He smiled slightly- for what wizard doesn't love a challenge- and knocked once on the door.

He smiled slightly- for what wizard doesn't love a challenge- and knocked once on the door

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Word Count: 402

Total Word Count: 402

Normal chapters will be longer. (Hopefully ;) )

I can't believe it's already ONC season again. Literally, I swear it feels like yesterday I finished writing Witchcraft and Unwittingly. I took a major writing break afterwards, too, because of how burnt out I was.

Major gender drop at the end there! Tell me your thoughts. Let me know if I messed up. But no hate, please, towards me or others!

So how the heck are ya? It's been too long. I wish a sincere good luck to all those participating this year. Let me know what prompt you're doing, what your book is called. If you take the time to read my words, I'm going to take the time and read yours.

Here's to starting off the season strong. Cheers!


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