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Thank you so much for making it this far in Lyra's journey. We've been betrayed by people we trusted. We've seen a woman handle the problems being a KING brings.

This book is one of the longest that I've completed, and I am so, so happy that it's going to be pretty easy to transform this novella into a novel. I'm ready to give some more back story!

Besides that, I don't think I could have completed this story without my readers. I may not have replied to comments as fast as I normally do towards the end of the contest, but know that I read them right away and needed to find time to respond. Your kind words mean everything, and I really appreciate you. <3

Lastly, good luck in the final rounds of the ONC 2022! If you've found this book and have no idea what that is, it's a contest with a bunch of prompts that challenges you to write a novella (20,000 to 40,000 words) in 12 weeks. If you're on the fence about joining next year, know that the community is incredible and I've met some pretty amazing people through the ONC!

thank you so much for reading and keeping up with Lyra's story! stay tuned for the novel version. <3


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