3 | plated with gold

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THE GUARD was still bowing as more people shuffled into the courtyard. Men were slack jawed and squires looked relieved. 

Immediately, a group of soldiers formed a perimeter around me, careful of any threats in the crowd.

They did this because I pulled the sword from the stone.

They did this because I, a girl, was king.

They just didn't know it yet.

"Your Majesty, we must hurry you to the castle at once. We need to begin your reign as quickly as possible. I hope you forgive me for the rushed announcement," the guard who had seen me take possession of the blade had apparently declared himself in charge.

I didn't mind. I was still flat on my back and in complete shock.

Two of my new bodyguards helped me into standing position, and handed me my sword. Suddenly, like magic, a path was cleared and I was escorted to a carriage.

It was odd how everything was passing by in a blur of colors and noises and bows. I couldn't comprehend the situation. I had no idea how the people were doing it.

Just a few hours ago, I had bathed in a creek. Soon, I would walk in a palace as a king.

But I was still dressed as a man. That could be a problem.

The carriage was the first thing I could actually stop and process. It was white, as if untouched by the dirt around it, and the gold lining around the Pendragon coat of arms shimmered in the sun.

Its splendor was more than I had ever imagined, and this was the transport.

"This way, Majesty," one of the guards pointed to the door, where a footman stood at attention. As soon as I neared the stairs, he opened the door and I walked inside.

The seats were velvet, and the pillows were silk. The drapes over the windows were a tasteful shade of hunter green, and they contrasted nicely with the creamy benches.

I might faint if the castle is anything like this.

"Majesty, we will need you to address the Saxon invasion immediately upon your arrival." A portly man with white hair was already in the carriage, with one long scroll of things to do 'upon my arrival'.

"Could... Could I take a bath first? I would find it improper to make my first decrees as king in this ungodly state," I stammered, attempting to imitate the noblemen at the camp. 

The man looked up from the scroll. "Of course, Majesty. The previous king did not hold the same tastes as yourself. Excuse my surprise."

I nodded, not trusting my high pitched voice more than I had to. If I talked too much, he would surely know of my true gender before we even arrived at the palace.

The man began to read off all of the things the king had left behind for me to do. I grew rather tired of my new advisor's voice quickly.

It was more than a day's journey to Camelot Castle.

It would seem to be longer in the same carriage as the white haired man.

It would seem to be longer in the same carriage as the white haired man

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