12 | bound by blood

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NIMUE LOOKED AT me expectantly, as though she thought a tree would begin to grow out of my head. I stood there, completely oblivious.


"Who are you?" she repeated, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly. Nothing but her eyes moved.

"I am Lyra," I said, and I was met with a bark of laughter, the Lady's body becoming animated.

"And why are you so important, Lyra? Are you a fearsome warrior come to my island for an unbeatable weapon?" Nimue gestured, and the water rose and created the silhouette of a broadsword.

"Are you a king who wishes to conquer foreign lands?" Again the water changed shape, morphed into a visual of a map.

"Or perhaps you are a commoner, searching for wealth." Once more, the water grew and created a new shape, this one of a bag of coins.

"I come to you as none of those things," I replied, my heart fluttering wildly in my chest. Somehow I knew that something was wrong, and I couldn't shake the feeling that if I said one wrong thing, I was dead. "I come before you as the future king of England. I am in need of your counsel, my lady." With that, I dropped into a deep curtsy, not rising until my thighs ached and I was sure the genuflection had been long enough.

Nimue's gaze shifted for a moment. "And you are her escort, Merlin?"

I couldn't be sure, but I could have sworn that a brief flare of jealousy flickered across Nimue's face before she regained control of her emotions.

Her stone-still facade was fading fast. I was starting to see that she had only been hiding her true nature from potential strangers.

Merlin and Nimue didn't seem to be unfamiliar with each other, and I couldn't help the way my eyebrows rose in suspicion.

"I am her advisor, her royal mage. I am here merely as a buffer and as a witness. I am to be seen and not heard, a whisper of the wind," Merlin replied smoothly in riddles, and I didn't know how Nimue had understood them enough to smile like it was a grand jest they shared.

Perhaps it was, and I was making a big deal out of nothing.

Nimue granted Merlin an amused smile.

Then she began to descend upon the Earth like a goddess from the heavens. When she touched down on the bank of the lake, a shimmering blue garb appeared over her white smock. It was almost like she was trying to send a message.

One that said I am more powerful than you.

"My water sprites are unhappy today. Perhaps we should give the human to them, Merlin." Nimue said, strolling over to Merlin's side.

"This isn't how you acted when I brought Uther here to see you about his reign," Merlin raised a teasing eyebrow.

"Uther had the stench of power on him. This one..." she looked me over, "not so much."

I tried not to feel offended, but my hurt was displayed across my cheeks in a red burst on my face. I didn't know how good this was going to go.

"Nimue," Merlin warned, "you can't act like that in front of the future king of England. It's against the law, and I need you to perform the ritual so that is possible."

"And what do you suppose I gift to a girl? I couldn't possibly give her armor or swords. Do you suggest I give her hair combs? How pitiful."

"Please, I would like to have your approval when I become king, but I will get the crown regardless of if you decide to allow me to have your blessing. I will help England, and I would have thought a fellow female would approve," I said, turning away. "I guess not."

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