7 | covered in jewels

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I COULDN'T help it; I was excited that Arthur had asked me to walk with him.

The problem is I didn't know exactly why he had asked me.

Well, I did, but I wanted to believe he had meant something more when he had asked me to take a walk with him.

I sighed as a maid took my measurements for the new wardrobe I would be receiving. I was to only have one male outfit in my entire closet, and the staff wanted to make sure all of the dresses I was to wear would be fitted to my figure. They wanted to make sure my closet was benefiting of a queen.

It was all part of the plan for when I would tell my kingdom of my true gender.

Finally, after what felt like hours of being measured, the maid placed the bit of fabric she had been using into her bag and left the room silently. I slid out of the modest dressing gown I had worn for the measurements and walked into my closet, taking in the numerous outfits of a man. 

Would it be possible that I would have to dress as a man in the gardens? I would certainly have to think less on the matter of the clothing I wore.

I sighed, knowing I would never allow myself to wear anything of the sort around the palace, unless visiting dignitaries were to arrive before the coronation.

I walked through my closet, shifting through the garments, before settling on one and calling for a maid to help me dress. 

Alfred had insisted I begin to rely on the staff more, now that I was to take up permanent residence.

The lady's maid came rushing through the door, her face flushed a bright red.

"Your Majesty," she said, curtsying low, before she came to take the blue dress I had chosen out of my hands.

"Hello!" I greeted cheerfully, allowing the maid to help me step into the dress. With gentle hands, she secured the garment on my body and moved to allow me to sit down so that she could do my hair.

"What do you wish to wear for your hair today, Majesty?" the girl asked, pulling pins and clips and brushes out of the drawers.

"I'm not quite sure," I said, trying to sound friendly. "How about you choose?"

The maid looked taken aback, but nodded just the same. "Of course, my lady."

I sighed at the use of a title before closing my eyes and allowing her to work on my hair. I appreciated that someone else, who certainly was able to do hair was working on my head. My head would certainly look better than whatever ugliness I could have styled.

The maid poked and prodded my head, setting strands of hair every which way before she stepped away to grab a clip. After she was done, she made a noise of acknowledgement and stepped back, allowing me to look into the mirror at her handy work.

I gasped in surprise, shocked at how my blonde hair had been transformed. 

Strands of hair floated around my head, framing my face, while the rest of my hair was pulled back into an intricate bun with a braid woven around its base.

I touched the updo gingerly, and smiled at the maid. "You did a wonderful job. May I have your name so you can be put in as my lady's maid full time?"

The maid stood rooted in place, a faint blush coming over her cheeks. "Of course, my lady. I am Rose."

"Oh, nonsense," I said with a smile. "Now that you are to be my lady's maid, you may call me by my real name. I am Lyra." I winked at the befuddled maid and turned to the mirror once again.

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