Chapter One

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Chapter One


I woke up from an older man’s voice.

“This is the end of the line kid.” He said hateful. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and seen it was almost dark. I nodded and got off the bus. I watched the bus drive off. I looked around and I’m surrounded by a little town called Pacific Grove. I finally made it where my birth mother lived. I have no idea if she still lives here. But the only way to find out is to be here. I came all the way from New Orleans. I had to get away from all the trouble. I have been all over the United States. When I was four, my adopted parents got into a car accident and died. Sending me into the foster system. I didn’t even know if I had relatives or not. If I did, I am sure they would have took me. But ever since I was four, no one has wanted me. I have been into Juvie one time. And that was when I was thirteen. My foster parents then blamed me for theft and selling drugs. Cops believed them. Really? A thirteen year old doing that? But turned out that they was the one selling and doing drugs.

Now I am seventeen and a senior in high school. I have been to more foster homes then I can count on my fingers. I wished that my mom would have wanted me. No one ever told me why she gave me up for adoption. But from here I plan to find out. I just need answers….. I always have wanted answers.

I walked through the town of busy social people. The teens stared at me like I was some stray. Considering I am sort of a stray. I stopped into a coffee shop and went to order myself a latte.

“How can I help you sweetie?” Said a woman with long beautiful dark blonde hair. She looked about thirty-three, if I took a good enough guess.

“Um can I get a Carmel latte?” I smiled at her. She smiled back.

“Of course you can.” She said and turned back around. I only have my mother’s name. I wonder if she knew my mom. My mom is thirty-two I think. I suck at math big time. No one was there to help me. I always had to school work by myself. No matter if I asked or begged, I would get cursed at and sent into my room. There was times that my foster parents would lock me into my room for being ‘bad’. I would ask myself why I deserved something like this. All I ever wanted was a family that would love me like I had when I was four.

“Here you go, that will be one seventy five.” She smiled and I handed her the money.

“Can I ask you a question?” I said and she nodded. Something told me to not ask her if she knew my mom. Instead I asked the unexpected.

“Are you guys hiring?” I raised an eyebrow, hoping for a yes. She chuckled and nodded.

“Do you have any experience?” She asked me and laid her elbows on the counter. Her eyes met mine and she had the same color eyes as I did. But mine was more of a bolder blue.

“Tons actually. I worked at this coffee shop in New Orleans for almost six months. Then I worked in Houston at another coffee shop for a year.” I smiled.

“Are you knew in town? You don’t look that old.” She pointed out.

“I am seventeen and yes I’m new. And hoping to stay here for long as I can. Well until I finish high school of course.”

“What does your parents do?”

“I don’t have any. They died in a car accident when I was four. Well, my adopted ones.” I shrugged and she nodded nervously.

“Are you in the foster system?” She asked.

“I was, now I am emancipated and in need of a job.” I chuckled awkwardly.

“Well would you mind showing your skills right now, it’s really busy at night.” She begged.

“Of course. Where do I put my bag?” I asked, holding out a big backpack.

“You can lay in my office back there.” She said and walked me to her office. I laid my bag down and she handed me an apron.

“So what’s your name?” She asked.

“Dylan.” I smiled.

“Dylan what?” She said walking back to the front.

“Taylor… Dylan Taylor.” I said and we walked behind the counter.

“Go to table seven over there and ask if they want more coffee or anything else.” She handed me a tray with a pitcher full of coffee. One decaf, and the other regular. I nodded and walked over to the table.

“Can I get you guys anything else? More coffee?” I asked. The three girls turned and looked at me. They smiled big.

“Are you new to this town?” She blinked.

“I am.” I nodded.

“My name is Megan, this is Carmen and Hanna.” Megan said. I smiled and nodded.

“Dylan.” I poured the coffee in their cup.

“Well Dylan, you should come hang with us. I will be happy to show you around on your first day of school.” Hanna smiled.

“I would like that. But I haven’t signed up yet. I don’t even know where the school is.” I responded.

“Well that is ok. My daddy is the principal, I can get you in by tomorrow.” Megan smiled.

“Really? Thanks hun.” I smiled and when I turned around she grabbed my arm.

“I need your last name though.” Megan chuckled. I chuckled back.

“Dylan Taylor. And I am senior.” I said and walked back to the counter.

“Well seems like they like you.” The lady said.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Just call me boss for now.” She chuckled. I rolled my eyes and went to another table.

“Do you guys need anything?” I asked. Two guys and three girls turned around.

Oh sweet baby Jesus…. The one with dark brown hair and the lovely cheek bones is so fine.

“Do you work here?” He asked viciously. Well that attitude makes him ugly.

“I do now.” I snapped back. He smiled at me sarcastically. My stomach started to get butterflies. I never gotten butterflies for someone before…. Is that normal?

“I need a refill.” The girl sitting across from him smiled, wrapping her hair with her finger.

“There you go sweetie.” I said and turned away to walk back to the counter. I am sure I just made him mad for flirting with his girlfriend. I think that is his girlfriend….

The boss told me to go wash the tables while she put the cash away in her office. I started washing tables when I heard the bell for the door. I turned my head back to see who it was. It was Megan.

“Hey.” I smiled. She smiled back.

“My daddy said you can start tomorrow. Here is your schedule. You have all classes with me so I can show you around.” She smiled at me.

“Really? Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.” I wrapped my arms around her to give her a hug. She started giggling.

“Are you gay?” She asked. I nodded and looked at the schedule.

“Good! I finally have a gay best friend.” She giggled.

“I also put the address on there. So you can find the school.” She pointed at the written address to Pacific Grove High.

“Thanks love.” I smiled at her.

“See you tomorrow.” She waved and walked off. I folded up my schedule and slid it in my pocket. I finished cleaning the tables and walked over to my boss.

“You did good today. Be back tomorrow after school.” She smiled and handed me my bag. I nodded and walked out of the coffee shop. I looked up at the name of the shop.

“Pacific Grove Coffee” I took a picture of it and walked down the street. I have to find somewhere to stay now. This is wonderful. 

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