Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


I see Dylan rush out of the cafeteria. Some part of me wants to follow him. But the other part does not. But instead I do. I run out of the cafeteria and he walks out the school doors. Where is he going? I wondered. I rushed outside the door and into my car. I started it up and slowly followed behind him. He looked back a couple of times like someone is after him. It took about ten minutes until I stopped. He is going into my house?! What the hell?! I pulled into the driveway and ran into the house. The basement door closes. I rush down over to the basement door. I opened it and when I got down the steps Dylan froze and looked at me. He had his clothes on the bed and he was putting them into his bag.

"Are you living down here?!" I basically shouted.

"I-I-I-a-m- just leaving." He stuttered nervously. He rushed and put the clothes into the bags. When he tried to leave I stopped him.

"You did not answer my fucking question!" I shouted in his face, making him flinch.

"Yes I am living here. Ok? I have nowhere to go. And I am on the run from my foster parents. Now I am leaving. So you don't have to worry anymore." He shouted with tears falling from his eyes. He rushed out passed me.

"Oh so you are nothing but a broke boy?!" I shouted at him. He stopped at the top of the stairs.

"Exactly what I am. Nothing but a broke boy." He said and tears fell harder from his face. He ran out of the house. I gulped and sat on the bottom steps of the stairs. Really Kyle? He has nowhere to go. And you just pushed him away and made fun of him? That ruins your chance with him big time. I said in my head.

I walked into the coffee shop with Britt and I spotted Dylan. He seen me and looked away instantly. I sighed and walked over to the booth and sat down.

"Do you love him or something? Because you two are acting like old married couple." Britt pointed out. I just shook my head and looked out the window.

"What can I get you two?" His voice said from behind me.

"We will just have two black coffees." Britt said and he walked off. I looked over and seen him making the coffee.

"You need to apologize to him." Britt gestured. I turned back around to look at her.

"I don't apologize to people. You know that."

"But you don't know his story. He could have had a terrible time in foster care. You don't know. Maybe he just wants a fresh start." Britt said. I just sighed and looked back at the window. I never apologize to someone. I am not going to start now. 

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