Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


I woke up to footsteps upstairs. I found this really nice house last night. I made it in when this lady walked through the house drunk. I snuck down the basement and looked around. This is perfect. There is this old couch and bed laying on the floor. I laid my bag down on the bed and sighed. This should be good for a while I hope. I just have to be silent at all times. I heard a big crash upstairs, making me jump. I turned the light on and peeked up the stairs. The woman was at the fridge. I rolled my eyes and walked back down the stairs. Couple minutes later I heard a scream, crash and a laugh at once. There is a guy here too. His voice sounds so familiar for some odd reason.... Maybe it was someone who I met tonight at the coffee shop. I slipped my leather jacket off and kicked off my shows. I climbed right into the bed. The door for the basement opened. I just froze.... CRAP THE LIGHT! I screamed in my head. The light went off and the door shut. Close one Dylan. I said to myself and covered myself with a dusty comforter. Few minutes went by and the door opens but shuts right after. Just be careful Dylan. I said to myself and looked up at the ceiling. I know you are out there mom. Somewhere in this town. I will find you mom. I love you. I said to myself and turned over. Everything from then went black.

I woke up from the front door closing and a car starting. I looked out the little window and seen the lady is leaving. Now I just have to wait until the other guy leaves. I wait patiently while I change my shirt and jeans. I put on some deodorant and put some dry shampoo in my hair. Dry shampoo is the best thing that they ever came out with for hair. I put on some cologne and sat down on the old couch.

I waited for about five more minutes until the front door closes and I watch the car drive off. I run up the stairs and run into the kitchen. I grab two pop tarts and a bottle of Gatorade for later. I shoved them into my bag and ran out of the house. I put the address to the school into my phone and followed the directions.

I walked for about ten minutes until I made it at the school. Oh my god, this place is huge as shit. I shook my head from what I was seeing and continued walking into the school. Crowds and crowds of students pushed by me as I tried finding my locker. I finally made it to my locker after fighting through the crowd of people. It's like a warzone out there. As I was at my locker someone grabbed onto my arm.

"Hey baby cakes." Megan smiled at me.

"Hey." I smiled.

"You ready to go to your first class of the day?" She asked excitedly.

"Sure, let's go." I said and shut my locker. She has her arm hooked around mine and we walked a couple class rooms down and made it to Ms. Baker. The English Teacher.

Everyone that was in the class already turned and looked at me. I gulped. I hate when everyone stares like that. My eyes glared around the room until I see the guy from last night at the coffee shop. My stomach started to do flips over and over again.

"Hi Ms. Baker, this is Dylan Taylor and he is new." Megan introduced us.

"Hi sweetie. Welcome to English 4 honors. Take a seat behind........." She started to say and looked around the room.

"Behind Kyle Jacobs." She pointed over at Kyle. That is his name. I smiled and nodded. I walked behind Kyle and sat down nervously. Beside me was that girl from the coffee shop from yesterday also. The one sitting in front of Kyle who I though was his girlfriend. I think it's his girlfriend. Who knows?

"Class this is Dylan Jacobs.... Make him feel at home." Ms. Baker said and smiled. The class turned to me and smiled. God, they are like freaking robots. Kyle turned around and looked me into the eyes. My heart started beating harder and harder. I never been in love before. And if love feels like this, then I am ready for it.

"So your name is Dylan?" He raised an eyebrow towards me.

I nod.

"Well Dylan....... Nice to meet you again." He smiled sarcastically at me. I rolled my eyes and he turned around. There was a hand that pointed a finger at my forearm.

"Don't listen to Kyle. He can be an ass at times. But that's who he is. He is actually a loving person when you get to know him. That's why me and him are besties." She smiled at me.

"Who are you?" I wondered. Kyle chuckled in front of me.

"Britt." She smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you Britt." I smiled back.

"Ok Class!" Ms. Baker shouted and the class became silent. As she was going over some Edgar Allen Poe book, I couldn't stop looking at Kyle. He is just so dreamy. I never felt this way for someone in my entire life. But I know in fact that he is straight. If he isn't, then he is awfully a good actor.

The half of the day went by extremely fast. Now I am at lunch and Megan wanted me to sit with her posy. I like Megan and all but she is a little too much. I think that she thinks she runs this school or something. That is why she is so popular. Her and her friends just chat it up while I look across the table in front of us. Kyle and all of his friends sat there laughing and talking. Our eyes met a couple times and he soon looked away. I just want to know if he is gay or not. I tapped Megan shoulder and she turned around and smiled.

"Is that guy over there gay?" I gestured over to Kyle.

"Kyle?" Megan asked and her posy turned around to look.

I nodded.

"People suspect he is, but he says he is not. He's really popular here. He used to play every sport then out of the blue, he quit. People say it's because it was that his dad died so he just gave up on everything." Megan informed. I nodded once again. My eyes looked back over at Kyle. It's so sad that his dad past away. But I know what it feels like. Well, I know how much worse it feels like to be exact. He looked over at me and my heart skipped a beat. I looked away and walked out of the cafeteria. Now I know where I saw him. Last night, at the house I am staying at. I only seen his back. But I know that sexy back anywhere. That ruins every chance I have with him. EVERY CHANCE!

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