Chapter Fifteen

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Authors Message: Hey my sweet lovely readers! ( Okay, that was incredibly cheesy) I was trying to decide who would play the parts of Dylan, Kyle, Britt, Dylan's mom and so forth. So if you have any suggestions, i would love to hear them. Also if you want to create a book trailer for this, I would love that also. Enjoy this lovely chapter my love bugs! XoXo

Chapter Fifteen


I woke up really early this morning from me throwing up. I seriously hate this feeling so much. Under my eyes are so dark, it looks like I am on drugs or something. Well, I sorta am. But you know what I am getting at. I am not even making any process. I am getting sicker and sicker each and ever day that goes by. I really am getting tired of this. I just want to be healthy again. Even though I knew that this was a possibility of the cancer coming back, I didn't think it would be until I was older. But I was wrong.

Kyle, god I am so lucky to have him. Kyle is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Besides me finding my mom. But Kyle is always here. Every time i try to get him to go home, he just shuts me up by kissing my neck. He knows I hate that and I am so sensitive there. But i wouldn't know what to do without him. He is my everything.

Ever since the doctor said I was getting worse a week ago, my mind has been else where. All i can think about is what if I don't survive this. What if i leave here and my mom is lost without a son again and Kyle wont have me? Sometimes I got to the bathroom and cry so Kyle or my mom won't see me. They think I am so strong. But I really am not. I am doing my best to hide my pain and sorrows. I just wish that this didn't happen to me again.

I heard the door open across the room. I tilted my head and seen Kyle walk in with some coffee. I smiled and watched him as he walked over to me.

"So, I got you your favorite." Kyle handed me a cup of coffee.

"Thanks babe." I said as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"You feel warm. You feelin' ok?" He asked me.

I nodded and said, "Feeling the same as I was before you left to get breakfast."

He blushed and sat at the end of my bed, looking directly at me. I smiled and looked down at my lap. I really feel like doing something today. I am tired of sitting in this room.

"Can you sneak me out today? I really want to go to the beach." I begged.

I hope he says yes.

"Yeah, I mean if it wont get you any sicker then yeah."

"I think sitting in here is getting me sicker." I chuckled and rolled my eyes dramatically.

"I can call Britt and Farah. They can help us." Kyle offered. I nodded and gave a week smile. He got up and walked over to the window dialing Britt's number. I just now remembered about Meghan. I seriously hated that bitch after she showed her true colors. I know she got me into that school but still. I remember when I was at lunch, asking her about Kyle. She told me about his dad that died. I wonder why he never talks about him?

"They said they are in and will be here in a half hour." Kyle smiled while walking back over to me.

"Can I ask you something?"

I sure hope he wont be mad at me for asking this....

"Of course, always."

Here goes nothing.

"Um, it's about your dad...... Is that ok?" He looked down at his hands on his laps, playing with his fingers nervously.

"I really don't talk about him to anyone..... But I guess I can talk about him to you." He said, making me smile.

"Were you guys close?" I asked him. He nodded and looked up at me.

"He came to every ball game I had. Mostly that was the reason why I played sports just because he loved them. I told him everything. But..... After he died, I just shut down completely. I quit sports and then started to drink and smoke. I also turned into an ass and this 'bad boy' figure. That is until you came around. You made me think differently." Kyle said, making me blush.

I patted the spot next to me, making him come closer.

"Come here." I said, grabbing onto his hand. He smiled and scooted over to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me close.

"I am going to make an exception." I said. He raised an eyebrow in confusion. I leaned in and placed my lips on his. He was shocked at first but soon relaxed, wrapping his arm around my waist. I let out a soft moan, making him smile.

He licked my bottom lip, wanting access. I instantly granted and he slid his tongue inside my mouth, discovering every single speck of my mouth. Working his way over to my tongue.

Once our tongues met, bolts of electricity shot through our bodies; making the both of us moan loudly to the connection. He firmly sucked on my tongue, making me fall deeper into the kiss. My hands pulled on his black hair, making him moan as well.

He pushed the button on the bed, making it lay down so he can lay on top of me. I chuckled to the fact of how cheesy this is. Kissing in the hospital while I have smelly breath and a cancer body. So did not expect this one when I was on the bus going no where.

Kyle slid his right leg in between my thighs and the other was touching my hip bone. His hands made their way down my chest and slowly slipping underneath my hospital gown. I felt his hand move up my thigh and less then an inch away from my hardening erection has his hands touched my stomach. Goosebumps filled my body from the soft touch.

Kyle started to grind on top of me, making the both of us moan. I tugged on his hair as he placed kisses across my jaw line and down my neck, sucking on my sensitive spot.

"Fuck Kyle, you're killing me." I moaned.

"Well that is hot!" I heard a familiar voice say. I pushed Kyle off of me and seen Farah and Britt standing at the door way. My face turned red instantly of embarrassment.

"Don't stop! This is literally on my bucket list!" Britt shouted, making me laugh.

I covered my face with the palm of my hands, trying to calm myself down. This is what happens when i get nervous. I laugh. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Ok if we are going to do this, We better get a plan." Britt laughed. I nodded and hopped for this plan that I have in my head is going to work. I so want to get out of here.

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