Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Ayla Pov:

I let out a weak sighed for uncountable times, as I watched Señora Alma begin her speech about how their family obtained their gifts and how Encanto existed..

My eyes darted to my girlfriend, who is holding Dolores hands, listening to their Abuela speech attentively..

"Are you alright, Mija?"- I heard my mother's concern voice behind me... I nodded and smiled at her, assuring her that I'm fine..

Then the light went off except for two, where Antonio stood, giving him all the spotlights..

We quickly watch as he holds his hand out to the side as reaching for someone.

Then Mirabel slowly walked to the boy, and the little Antonio quickly hugged her arm..

"He looks so nervous."- Abuelo whispered and chuckled a little.. I nudged him, making him coughed hard, knocking his breath away, while Mom just shook her head..

The ceremony went on, and little Antonio got his gift. He can understand animal languages and can talk with them aswell..

I keep searching for a perfect time to talk to Isabela, but she's always preoccupied by the town folks..

And right now, I just watch her on the sidelines while she's dancing with Mariano...

"Ayla."- my best friend called me.. I side glance at her and nod..

"Dolores, hey, having fun?"- I force a smile and grab some arepas..

"So far, yeah, how about you?"- she asked and ate some snacks too..

"Not so much, I wanted to have a chat with your cousin privately, but luck is not on my side.. earlier she's with the town folks entertaining them, and now she's dancing with that Mr. Perfecto Macho. Sorry, Dolores, but your crush is getting on my nerves.

Adding to that, they are set to be married, and Isabela isn't helping by keeping herself distance from me and not informing me of the engagement."- I sighed, feeling dejected. Dolores looked at me with sympathy and rubbed my back.. I know she understands me because the man she likes is about to engage with my her cousin.

"Sorry about that, Ayla. I don't know why Isabela is still not telling the family about  your relationship, I understand you, really."- she said, patting my shoulder. I hold her hand and appreciate her gesture...

"At least you're here with me, Dolores."- I sighed again and excused myself, saying that I'm getting some fresh air to cool off.

I stopped at the balcony and stared at the view ahead, loving the silent atmosphere.

Then the tiles move, giving me a glass of lemonade and some snacks..

"Thank you, Casita."- I ate it, and suddenly I heard Mirabel voice. I glance down seeing her singing? Hmmm...

They've forgotten about her again, huh? I can't stand her family sometimes, as why they been ignoring her existence..

Isabela and I fought sometimes about the way she treats her little sister. I only wanted her, for them to reconcile...

But my lovely girlfriend always gets angry when I always give her some advice to get their sister relationship improve, but she's too stubborn to listen..

"Haaa.... right now I can't reach to Isabela anymore, in those past years our relationship was so peaceful, so wonderful, so magical, so much love, I miss those days and now she become distance and keeping her thoughts to herself. We are supposed to help each other if one of us is in trouble.

Not all Flowers are Perfect (Isabela Madrigal×Intersex.FOC)Where stories live. Discover now