Chapter 15

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~ Carl is just so ugh I can't even~

I open my eyes and I'm laying on something soft. I look around me in the dark and where am I? I sit up and I hit my head on something. I clutch my head and look up to find that it's the wood separating two bunks on a bunk bed.

I'm on a bunk bed. I get off the bed and I can feel carpet on my bare feet. I go towards a wall and feel around for a light. When my hand hovers over the switch I flip it up and light illuminates the room. I shield my eyes and when my eyes adjust my heart sinks.

I'm home.

I look down and I'm wearing pajama shorts and an oversized tshirt. I walk out of my bedroom and my small house comes into view. I walk down the hallway and pray that my father isn't here.

I walk into the living room and all my hope goes out the window. My father is laying asleep with a bottle of alcohol next to him on the couch. I tiptoe back into the kitchen and I look behind my should and take another step and a squeak sounds through the silent house. My dog lucky comes running to grab his toy and I pray that no one heard that.

"What the hell are you doing girl?" My dads angry slurs come from behind me and I can already smell the alcohol on him.

"I-" I pause and turn around and I'm met with him the man I killed. His shirt is stained with vomit and spilt beer, his eyes are bloodshot and wild his hair is stinking to his chubby face with sweat and his cheeks are reddened with anger.

"Spit it out" he says taking a swig of his drink.

"I just came to get water" I reply quickly.

"Girl, I know you're lyin you never come out when I'm home, go to my goddamn room and take your clothes off" my dad slurs.

"No" I say without registering the words.

"The hell you just say?" He spits. "I gave you an order you better obey it"

"I'm not your slave! I'm your daughter" I yell at him.

"You're nothing" he snarls and he brings his hand up and across my face in a quick hard slap. "Get a move on"

My eyes shoot open and I shoot up from my sleeping position. I clutch my heart and try to slow my breathing and try to stop the tears that are trying to escape.

"Are you okay?" Carl asks sitting up next to me and rubbing my eyes.

I nod my head yes. "Bad dream" I say. But it wasn't a dream at all, it was a memory the last time he did anything bad to me when the world wasn't shit.

"Let's just go back to bed" Carl says pulling me into a short hug then laying back down.

I lay next to him and stare up at the ceiling. I close my eyes and everything is silent and I can't help the thought that I had earlier from emerging again that this is the silence before the storm.

The storm indeed hit.

Maybe 20 minutes after my little freak out Michonne wakes us all up with news about carol and Daryl and beth.

We all get up immediately. It's closer to the morning, Rick told me it was 3 am. That is if his watch is right, it probably isn't.

Daryl tells as the whole story, they followed a car with a white cross and they made it to Atlanta and they were searching for more white crosses and on their search a kid named Noah who came back with daryl stole their weapons, but they later found out Noah was from the hospital and he was going back to get beth. Anyways, they went to a van that was halfway handing off a bridge and they had no choice but to go in and fall down because Atlanta is invested. Carol got hurt but she was still able to move, they went to another building and they came across Noah and discovered his plan and the people from the hospital were on their way so they tried to leave the place as quick as possible and carol got hit by their car and they took her to save here, and Daryl came back for more people.

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